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The fields under the General Info tab are used to record the address and other contact details of the AR/AP.

Address Info
The city, district, country, town and zip code fields of the Address Info section are used to access definitions made using the Global option (in the Administration section) and to record address information and phone and fax numbers of the AR/AP.
Address Code: It is field that is used for Monthly Tax Declarations. When this AR/AP is selected in Monthly Tax Declaration, the code that you select in this field is transferred to the Address Code field.

The Communication Info section is used to record contact information and language for the customer or supplier.
e-Mail address: The e-mail address of the AR/AP.
Website: The website address of the AR/AP.
Language: The language used in correspondences with the AR/AP. In J-Guar, AR/AP slips, invoices and forms can be printed in AR/AP Language. When AR/AP language is selected, form and invoice text fields are printed with the AR/AP language specified in the user definition.
The Financial Parameters of the System Settings section are used to specify whether or not the AR/AP Language will be used in forms. The AR/AP Language is specified on the Language field located in the General Info page of the AR/AP card. The "print forms in AR/AP language" filter line located under the Finance parameters contains two options: Yes and No. When "Yes" is selected, information on text fields of the form is printed in the AR/AP Language. Text fields to be printed are recorded on the Language field during form definition.
When "No" is selected on the Print Forms in AR/AP language filter line, text fields are printed in the language specified in the user definition. Text fields to be printed are recorded on the Language field during form definition.
Store Card Number: In the event of using "Store" feature, it is the store card number assigned to the related AR/AP.
Delivery Type: The field used to specify the delivery method for the AR/AP. The selection made here is transferred as default into the slips and invoices. The slip can be modified if necessary.
Shipping Agent: Indicates the shipping agent. Defined shipping agents are listed, and a selection is made. The selection made here is transferred as default into the slips and invoices. The slip can be modified if necessary.
Anchor_Hlk504550108_Hlk504550108When specifying the shipping agents for e-Dispatch users, it is required to fill in the Title, TR ID No, Name and Surname fields. When defining AR/AP that is e-Dispatch user, only those companies of which mandatory fields are filled will be displayed in the shipping agent list.
Company Code: This field is used to specify the code of the company in the customer or supplier.
Price Group Code: Indicates the price group default to be applied to the AR/AP. The recorded price group definitions are listed and the related definition is selected.