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The Rediscount Report (Customer Check/P. Note) is used to display the loss of value resulting from the due dates of customer checks and notes in portfolio, issued for collection or as collateral. The report is located in Check/P. Note Reports menu of the Finance section. The filter options are:




By Due Date / By Number

Rediscount Interest Rate

Number entry

Last Transaction Date

Start / End

Rediscount Date

Date entry

Check/P. Note Status

At Portfolio / Endorsed / To Collateral / Issued for collection / Issued for collection (protested)

Check Portfolio No.

Group / Range

P. Note Portfolio No.

Group / Range

Check Serial No.

Group / Range

P. Note Serial No.

Group / Range

Due Date Range

Start / End

Aux. Code

Group / Range

Division Number

Defined divisions


Without Subtotal / Daily / Weekly / Monthly


Customer Check / Customer P. Note


Group / Range

Place of Payment

Group / Range

Bank of Customer Check

Group / Range

Guarantor of P. Note

Group / Range


Group / Range


Group / Range

Bank Code

Group / Range

Amount Interval

Start / End

F. Currency Type

Currency options

The Rediscount Interest (yearly) option of the Finance Parameters located in the Definitions menu of the Administration section is used to specify the interest rate to be applied for the rediscount calculation.

The Rediscount Report (Customer Check/P. Notes) can be generated for two purposes.

If the rediscount interest amount will be calculated and registered as an expense, the annual rediscount interest amount issued by the T.R. Central Bank should be used as the rediscount interest.

If the loss of value against inflation will be calculated for the check or P. Note, the market interest rate or due date difference interest rate is processed as the rediscount interest rate. The rate should be entered into the filter line in order to allow the report to be printed with this interest rate. Rediscount reports calculate the net amount over 360 days according to this interest rate. The net value is calculated by subtracting the interest amount from the check/P. Note amount.

The Net Value is calculated with the "Check/P. Note Amount - (1 + Number of Due Date Days * Interest / 360) formula.

The date required for the calculation is specified on the Reference Date filter line. The rediscount is calculated using the yearly interest rate starting from the date specified on this field.

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