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The costs of the bill of materials can be displayed using BOM Cost Calculation option located in the right mouse button menu of the bills of materials list.

The calculation date and the revision code to be used for cost calculation are specified on the date and revision code fields of the BOM cost calculation window respectively. Cost calculation is performed in plant basis by selecting a plant. The production quantity and unit for which the costs will be calculated are specified on the quantity and unit fields.
If the type of the product in the bill of materials is material class, the cost calculation is performed for the materials that are under the material class and related to the input lines of the BOM using the Material Class Details option of the right mouse button menu.

The Pseudo Semi Finished Product Cost field indicates how Pseudo Semi Finished Product cost will be calculated. This field contains the following options:

  • Material Cost
  • Standard BOM Cost

When Material Cost is selected, the pseudo semi finished product is considered as a material used in production, and the calculation is performed using the material cost.

When Standard BOM Cost is selected, the BOM used in pseudo semi finished product production is used, and the calculation is performed using the material calculated for this BOM.

Overhead amounts affecting the Standard BOM Cost calculation are entered into the Formula field as amounts, or the formula to be used in amount calculation is recorded. The calculation starts by clicking "Calculate" button.
The cost information of the finished products and semi-finished products used in the BOM lines is recorded through the table.
The material cost is recorded by selecting the material type. The material costs have five options:

  • Average of On Hand
  • Average of Input
  • Periodic Average
  • LIFO
  • FIFO

The material cost is entered into the relevant columns in local currency and reporting currency. When "Save" button is clicked, calculated costs are displayed on the Total Cost field in local currency and reporting currency amounts.

If the type of the product or co product in the BOM for which the cost will be calculated is material class (with table) or material class (general), the details are recorded using the Material Table or Material Class Details menu options of the right mouse button menu.

Detail materials defined in the BOM are displayed as default in the Material Class Detail Lines and Material Table windows. The quantity information in the detail lines can be changed. Materials for which quantity information is not entered in the BOM are not displayed in the material class detail lines and material table.

Overhead amounts affecting the cost calculation are entered into the Formula field as amounts, or the formula to be used in amount calculation is recorded. The parameters and functions available for Overhead Cost calculations are:



MIN (,)MAX(,)ABS ()ANDORMOD (,)DIV (,)>>=<>==<>

P1: Material Cost (TRL) P2: Workstation Cost (TRL) P3: Employment Cost (TRL) P4: Material Cost (RC) P5: Workstation Cost (RC) P6: Employment Cost (RC) P7: Number of Operations P8: Number of Employees P9: Production Duration P10: Production Quantity

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