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The slips of the daily material transactions are recorded using Actual Quantity Entry option located in the right mouse button menu of the production orders list. Material transactions are assigned with unit price using the actual quantity entry option and by entering date and quantity, and the actual slips are generated automatically.

The actual quantity entry option can be accessed when the status of the production order is "Work in Process" or "Stopped". The planned and actual inventory transactions of the production order are listed on the actual quantity entry window by transaction aux. code.
The actual quantity entry option can be used to record the daily inventory transactions (Usage, Scrap, Input from Production and Warehouse) when the status of the production order is "Work in Process". In this way, the actual inputs and outputs update the warehouse totals and material status along with the planned and actual slips.
When the actual quantity entry window is opened for the first time, all material transactions with "planned" status are listed with system date and time. The date field can be modified to enter actual information for the requested date.
In the LOGO application, the actual quantity entry window always opens with the system date.
Quantity entries for each slip type update the actual transaction totals of the same data and the planned remaining quantities along with the actual transaction totals and planned remaining information for any quantity entries previously recorded for a later date. As a result of these updates, the planned and actual quantity information of the planned lines of transactions in the "Planned" slips, and consequently the warehouse totals are updated.
The actual quantity entry is recorded and tracked by using the appropriate options for each material slip type. The upper section of the actual quantity entry window displays the general production and work order information of the operation, along with the product code and production quantity information. The fields and functions on the Actual Quantity Entry window are:
Date / Hour: The system date and time are displayed as default. Operation information can be recorded by entering the requested date and time.
Product Code: The code of the product in the production order; the code can not be changed.
Production Quantity: The planned production quantity and the unit of the production order. Cannot be changed.
Slip No: The slip number of the production order. Cannot be changed.
Planned Start Date: The planned start date of the production order. Cannot be changed.
Planned End Date: The planned end date of the production order. Cannot be changed.
The quantity entries recorded through the production order or work order are recorded by slip type on the Usage Slips, Scrap Slips, Input from Production Slips and Warehouse Transfer Slips tabs located on the actual quantity entry window.
Material Type: Indicates the inventory transaction type. This field contains the material and material class options. The quantity information of the material class line transactions is recorded using the Material Class Detail Lines and Material Matrix options of right mouse button menu. When Material Table located in F9 menu is opened to enter the actual quantity for the material class with table, the relevant quantity information entered in the material table while giving the production order is transferred to this window automatically. When this window opens, the default material table values are listed, and Times Increment (Column/Line) option located in the right mouse button menu is used to increase the quantities.
Material (Class) Code: The code of the material or material class of the transaction.
Material Description: The description of the material or material class of the transaction.
Warehouse: Indicates the warehouse of the transaction.
Unit: The unit of the actual quantity.
Quantity: The material quantity of the Usage, Scrap, Input from Production and Warehouse transactions performed at the transaction date.
Transaction Aux. Code: The transaction aux. code of the actual quantity entry.
Line Description: The line description of the actual quantity entry.
Planned Remaining: The planned remaining quantity is displayed automatically. This field always displays the current transaction status of the product and work order.
Actual: Displays the actual status of the product and work order. Updates to this field update the planned remaining column as well.
Planned: The planned quantity specified in the production order to which the material transaction is related.
Work Order No: Indicates the work order number of the material transaction.
Period No: The work period number.

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