Work groups definitions, which are used in work definitions, templates, template activity, project and project activities, are entered in Project Management module > Definitions menu > Work Group window.
Click New button in Work Groups browser to make a new Work Group definition.

Enter the following information in Work Groups definition window.


Work group's definition code. Work groups have a hierarchal structure. The bracket "." is used in the Code field to indicate this structure. If a sub work group is used in work definition, activity, project or a project template, code will be non-editable when you open it with Update option. If it is not used, Code can be changed. However, note that, in order to preserve the hierarchal structure, the digits before the bracket (.)cannot be changed. Only the digits after the bracket can be changed.


Work group's name or explanatory information.

Auxiliary Code

A secondary code field to group work groups. It is a 10-character long, alphanumeric field. The Auxiliary Code is used to group the templates by company specific criteria. It can be used as a filter in reports.

Authorization Code

Used to define detailed authorizations. It is a 10-character long field. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on their job definitions. The templates that user should be able to access are designated in authorization code field.
Records are encrypted by the information provided in Authorization Code field to ensure that only the users with the specified authorization code can access the related records.


Notes regarding the work groups are entered in this field.

The work groups that are used in work definition, project or activity card and work groups having sub work groups cannot be deleted. You cannot add a sub work group to a work group of which parent work group is used in work definition, project or activity card.