Updating the materials individually to change VAT rates is a time consuming operation. Performing such operations in batches prevents the loss of time and decreases the error rate.

Batch VAT rate update is performed by following the steps below.

  • Material Management
  • Operations
  • Batch Update of VAT Rates

The materials for which the VAT rate will be updated, the update method and the VAT type to be updated are selected on the Material VAT Rate update window. The filter options and values are:




(CG) Commercial Good / (DM) Deposited Item / (AS) Asset / (RM) Raw Material / (SF) Semi Finished Good / (FG) Finished Good / (COG) Consumer Good / (SRV) Service


Group / Range


Group / Range

Aux. Code

Group / Range

Authorization Code

Group / Range

Group Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Code

Group / Range

Usage Point

Material Management / Purchasing Management / Sales Management

Present VAT Ratio (%)

VAT Rate entry

Update Method

New Ratio  / Factor

Update Factor (%)

Factor entry

Rounding Base

Rounding Base Value

New VAT Rate (%)

VAT Rate entry

VAT Type

Purchase VAT / Sales VAT / Return VAT / Retail Sales VAT / Retail Sales Return VAT


The VAT update is separately performed for purchase, sales and return VAT types. The VAT type to be updated is specified on the VAT Type filter line.

Material Type: The filter used to select the materials to be updated by service and/or material types. The record types for which the VAT rate will be adjusted are checked with the Search key or the mouse.

Material Code: The filter line used to specify the materials for which the VAT update will be performed. The materials to be updated are specified by making a Group or Range definition.

Material Description: The materials to be updated are selected by description. The group or range definition filter is used.

Material Aux. Code: The Material aux. code filter line is used to filter materials to be updated by the aux. code specified in material cards.

Parent Material Class Code: The filter option used to define the materials to be updated by Parent Material Class Code. The group or range definition filter is used.

Present VAT Ratio (%): Indicates the old VAT rate to be updated. The VAT rates of the records having the VAT rate specified here are updated with the new VAT rate.

Update Method: This filter line is used to specify the VAT update method. The update is performed using either one of the following methods:

  • New Rate
  • Factor

The fixed VAT amount or factor must be specified in the other filter lines depending on the selection made.

Update Factor (%): If Factor is selected in the Update Method line, the factor is entered in this field. In this case, the update is performed by processing the VAT Rate (prev.) and the factor entered here.

Rounding Base: The filter line used to specify the rounding base to be used if the update result is decimal.

New VAT Rate (%): The new VAT rate to be transferred into the records is entered in the VAT Rate (new) (%) field if New Rate is selected in the Update Method line.

VAT Type: The filter used to specify the VAT type to be adjusted. All options are checked as default in the application.

Once the condition is specified in the filter lines, the Continue button is clicked. Once the setting is done, the VAT rates of the materials matching the conditions set in the filter lines are updated with new VAT rates. Updated VAT rates are automatically transferred into the VAT Rate field of material cards.