j-Guar provides the facility to track and report materials with unlimited units. Data integrity is provided with automatic unit conversions. Dimension info for each unit can be recorded through unit set definitions and material cards. Using unit sets provides the following advantages:

  • The unit assignments of materials/material classes are done according to unit sets. Each material/material class can use a Unit Set. A main unit, as many child units as required and their conversions are defined in each unit set.
  • The Weight, Length, Area and Volume unit types are used to enter the width, length, height, area, volume and weight information for each unit while material/material class specific units are defined. In this way, all units and material quantities used in the company can be expressed and reported using the same units.
  • It is possible to determine the transactions in which each unit set will be used. In this way, user errors are prevented and data integrity is secured.
  • In addition to main unit conversion factors, child units within the unit set can be tracked by recording conversion rates between units.

Unit sets are defined using the Unit Sets option under the Definitions menu of Material Management module.

The volume, length, weight and area unit sets are defined as default in the application. The “New” option is used to record the main unit, child units and their conversions to be applied for the material. 

Universal codes which will be valid for each unit in Unit Sets are specified in Universal Code field in unit definitions. Universal code must be specified for the materials that will be used in e-invoice.

Dimension information of main unit and child units within the unit set are recorded on the width, length, height, area and volume columns of the related line.

When a unit set is assigned to the material, the dimension info given here is transferred into the material definition. If dimensions applied to the material will be different, the change can be performed on the definition.

What is the advantage of dimension information?

Recording dimension information significantly facilitates warehouse management, shipment and distribution transactions. If the distribution system is used, loading transactions can be controlled by processing vehicle capacities and material dimensions. Material dimension information can be accessed during transactions, and especially shipment transactions can be easily managed by users.

Materials and services for which the unit set will be used are specified, and user errors are prevented. Unit set usage status is recorded on the Usage Condition field of the definition card.

When General is selected, unit set definitions can be used in all material/material class and service definitions.

When Specific to Material Item/Service Definition is selected, the unit set can be used only in transactions of the selected materials or services.

Conversion factors and dimensions specified on the unit set are transferred into material/material class definitions. However, if different conversion factors and dimensions will be applied for the material, the change can be performed on the definition.