The standard costs of the temporary materials and resources are recorded with Standard Costs option located under Temporary Materials and Resources browser > Attached Records menu. Standard temporary materials and resources costs are saved by selecting Organizational Unit and Period. New standard cost information is saved by opening a new empty line. Standard costs, which are specified on Cost Period basis, are considered when calculating planned costs of the project. The planned costs of temporary asset and temporary employee can be monitored separately in Project Costs window. The planned costs of temporary materials and services can be tracked in Project Costs window > material and service cost.

Organizational Unit/Division: The code of organizational unit / division - for which standard cost amount will apply - is selected. It lists the existing units, and the relevant definition is selected.
Period Code / Description: The period of the standard cost amount is selected. Periods are recorded with System Settings module > Definitions > Asset Management > Periods option. See. System Settings module, Periods. It lists the standard cost periods, and the relevant period is selected.
Sub-Period: The sub period - for which standard cost will apply - is selected. It lists the existing sub periods, and the relevant period is selected.
Unit Cost: It is the unit cost amount that will apply for the specified organizational unit and period.
Unit Cost (RC): It is the unit cost amount in reporting currency that will apply for the specified organizational unit and period. 
Reporting Currency Exchange Rate: It is used to enter exchange rate value of reporting currency.