It may prove necessary to stop or postpone any activity for a while for any reason. These durations are saved and monitored by using Stop Transactions option located in Activity definition window > Attached Records menu. Stop transactions can be defined for activities in "Started" status. When Stop is saved by entering start date and hour, activity status information changes into Stopped automatically. When End Date and Hour info is entered, activity status is updated as Started.

Stop Cause Code

The code of stop transaction. Browse button opens Stop Causes browser where you can make a selection. See. Stop Causes

Stop Cause Description

The description of stop cause.

Start Date

Start date of stop transaction is entered.

Start Hour

Start hour of stop transaction is entered.

End Date

End date of stop transaction is entered.

End Hour

End hour of stop transaction is entered.


After giving end date and hour of stop transaction, system calculates duration automatically in hour.