Shipment slip status is updated automatically in line with the transactions. It means that when shipment transactions are updated, shipment slips will be updated accordingly. 
Shipment slip status is updated as explained below:

  1. If the status of all transactions is Draft, the shipment slip status will be Draft.
  2. If the status of all transactions is Approved, the shipment slip status will be Approved.
  3. If the status of all transactions is Under Way, the shipment slip status will be Under Way. Since shipment transaction cannot be performed on line basis, all lines and the slip are changed into the Under Way status at the same time.
  4. If the status of all transactions is Delivered, the shipment slip status will be Delivered.
  5. If the status of all transactions is Completed, the shipment slip status will be Completed. Since shipment transaction cannot be performed on line basis, all lines and the slip are changed into the Completed status at the same time.
  6. If at least one transaction is in Approved status, the slip status will be Approving. (A few of them may be in Draft status, while others are Approved.)
  7. If at least one transaction is in Delivered status, the slip status will be Delivering. (A few of them may be in Under Way status, while other are Delivered.)