The "New" option located on the F9/right click menu in Shipment Slip lines is used to add information for material transactions which will be shipped without order connection. The following information is entered in the Shipment Line window opened by the New option. 
Type: Indicates the type of shipment material. This field lists the following options:

  • Material
  • Material Set

Material Code and Description: Indicates the code and description of the shipment material. Both fields can be used to list the materials and select the relevant record. 
Variant Code and Description: Indicates the code and description of the variants. If the material selected in the Material Code/Description fields is configurable, material variant is selected in this field. 
Shipment Quantity: Indicates the material quantity to be shipped. 
AR/AP Code/Title: Indicates the relevant customer to whom the order will be shipped. Both fields can be used to list the existing AR/AP record and select the relevant AR/AP. 
Address Code and Description: Indicates the shipment address code and description. The shipment addresses of the selected AR/AP are listed and the relevant address is selected. Shipment Address Code field is mandatory. 
Organizational Unit: Indicates the relevant organizational unit for the transaction. 
Warehouse: Indicates the relevant warehouse for the transaction.
Department: Indicates the relevant department for the transaction. 
Organizational unit, warehouse and department definitions are listed and selected in the relevant fields. Organizational unit and warehouse fields are mandatory. 
Shipment Information for Set Materials 
If the material type is "Material Set", the relevant record is selected from the recorded set materials through the material code and description fields, and the set material components are displayed automatically. After entering the quantity information for the selected materials, material class quantity info will be updated. 
If the new lines are added for a material set, the quantity of material set components is calculated according to the set quantity and transferred accordingly. If the relevant set is configurable, the variant information for the selected variant is also displayed automatically. 
The "Save" option is clicked to save shipment transaction information.