You should click New option in Sales Price Lists browser to save a new sales price list. 
Code: The code of the price list. It is mandatory. 
Description: The description of the price list. 
Aux. Code: The auxiliary code of the price list. 
Authorization Code: The authorization code of the price list. 
Type: Indicates the price list type. The field contains the following options:

  • General
  • AR/AP
  • Primary AR/AP
  • Association

Code: You enter the code of the AR/AP, Primary AR/AP or Association. The browse (…) option opens a list of the existing definitions of the type you select in the Type field. Select from the list. Note that you cannot enter in this field if you select "General" in the Type field. 
Title: The title of the AR/AP, Primary AR/AP or Association. When you enter in the Code field, the description of the selected definition is transferred into this field. You can use Title field to list the existing definitions and make a selection. Note that you cannot enter in this field if you select "General" in the Type field. 
Price Group Code: The price group code. Grouping sales prices provides ease of use. Furthermore, the group code can be used as a filter in reports. Price group codes are defined in System Settings module. 
Payment Plan: This field indicates the payment conditions in which the price list will be valid. The purchase or sales price of a material differs depending on the payment amount and the payment type. Sales under a certain amount may be paid in cash, while different prices and payment conditions may apply to higher amounts. The payment method for the defined price is recorded by selecting a payment plan in the payment plan line. 
Trading Group: Indicates the trading group to which the price list will be applied. It lists the existing Trading Groups and you select a definition. 
Delivery Code: Indicates the delivery method of the material (land, air transport, mail, etc.). The Delivery Code also indicates how the delivery expenses will be paid. For instance, the Delivery Code field can be used to specify whether the transport prices are included in the price proposal. 
Delivery (Days): The lead time of the material. Sales prices may vary according to procurement times. For example, the prices of certain materials may reflect periodic changes. Specifying the lead time in the Sales Price allows to track prices periodically and apply different prices to materials needs to be procured immediately. 
Start / End Dates: Indicates the date range for which the material sales price specified in the card will be applied. 
Start/ End Date and Time: Indicates the time range for which the material sales price specified in the card will be applied. 
Valid in e-Business Environment: Indicates that the price will be used in e-Business applications. 
Valid in e-shop: Indicates that the price will be used in e-Shop applications. 
Valid in Points of Sale: Indicates that the price can be used in points of sale. 

The lines on this section are used to select and record prices for materials, services, material classes and material sets by selecting line type. 
Type: Indicates the type of the defined price. Sales prices can be defined for:

  • Material
  • Service
  • Material Class
  • Material Set

Material (Class) / Service / Material Set Code: Refers to the Material/Material Class, Service or Material Set code to which the price will be applied. Click browse (…) button to open a list of the existing definitions of the selected type, and select from the list. 
Material (Class) / Service / Material Set Description: Refers to the description of the Material/Material Class, Service or Material Set to which the price will be applied. Application transfers the description of the record you select in the Code field into the Description field. You can also select from the existing definitions of the selected type in this field. 
Price Code: The price code of the material (class), service or material set. It opens the Sales Prices list from this field and you select from the existing prices. 
Price Description: The price description of the material (class), service or material set. You can also open the Sales Prices list from the Description field and select from the existing prices. 
Price: The price of the material (class), service or material set. When you select price code in the Price Code field, the price of the material is shown here. 
Minimum Price: The minimum price applied for the material (class), service or material set. After selecting the price code, minimum value that is entered in the price card is shown in this field. 
Maximum Price: The maximum price applied for the material (class), service or material set. After selecting the price code, maximum value that is entered in the price card is shown in this field. 
Customer Sales Price: The field used to track the sales prices of the customer. 
VAT: This field indicates whether the specified Unit Price is VAT inclusive. 
Unit: Refers to the unit of the price value. 
Currency Type: The currency type specified for the unit price of the material. The required currency is selected from the list. 
Convertible to Other Units: It allows to convert the price you defined into other units of the material for which no price has been defined yet. The options are Convertible and Not Convertible. 
If you select a unit without a unit price in material transactions, the amount and priority specified in the price definition, and the conversion factor designated in the unit definition are taken into account when converting into the unit in slip line. 
Priority: Indicates which one of the price cards defined for the related material is in priority. This field is used to determine which price will be primarily transferred into the slips and invoices in cases that there are multiple Sales Prices for the same material/material class or service. The Priority must be numeric. This value is transferred from the price card along with the price code. 
Variant Code: The variant code of the material/material set. 
Variant Description: The variant description of the material/material set.