Apply Distribution Template: Used to record details related to child materials of the material class on slip lines with Material class type. Child materials of the Material Class and their quantities specified on the template are automatically transferred into the line. 

Material Class Detail Lines: Used to record the line distribution details on lines of Material Class (general) type. 

Serial/Lot/Location Info: Provides compliance with ISO 9000 standards and backward traceability with the Lot and Serial Number tracking system. If the materials on the line are tracked on material slips, the Serial or Lot Number and location information are recorded using the Serial/Lot/Location Info option located in the right-click menu. 

Asset Assignments: Asset assignments are recorded using this option. 

Asset Valuation: Used to record the relation of the transaction on the line with an asset. 

Cost Distribution to Assets: Used to record distribution of expenses recorded with the invoice to assets. 

Unit Conversion: The dynamic unit conversion allows the materials for which the units do not have fixed connections to be accurately converted. By doing so, the sales and inventory reports are generated using the requested unit and with accurate numbers. The unit conversion rate specified in the material may not be applied to certain material lines. In this case, after specifying the unit in the material line of the slips and invoices, the conversion factor to be applied only to that transaction is entered using the Unit conversion option. If more than one unit is defined for the material, and if the line transaction is performed with units other than the main unit, the conversion factor is specified in the Conversion Factors section. The Dimensions section of the Unit Conversion window also displays the dimension information applied to the material. 

VAT Arrangement: It is used to revalorize the total in case invoice's VAT amount is a fractional number. When the "VAT Arrangement by Reducing Last Purchase Price" field is checked, the unit price in the purchase invoice of the material in the line is displayed in the "Last Purchase Price" field, and the VAT is calculated on the remaining amount by deducting the purchase price. The "Last Purchase Price" field can be added manually.

Warehouse Totals: Indicates the status of the material or service in all Warehouses where it is processed. Detailed material information can be received separately from each warehouse. 

Link to Demand: Used to link the transaction on the line with demands. 

Apply Alternative Material: Used to apply the alternative of the material. 

Apply Promotion: Used to apply promotion to the transaction. 

Apply Additional Tax: Used if the material on the slip line is subject to PCT. 

Transaction Details: Displays the window listing the Quantity and Unit Price information of the Material or Service in the line, and the totals of the Expenses and Discounts applied to the line and/or slip bottom that is reflected to the material line. 

Credit Card Back Payment Information: Applies the back payment plan on the slips/invoices generated while saving the sales performed by credit card. The "Apply Back Payment Plan" window opens, and the relevant back payment plan is selected. 

Intrastat Info: Used to specify the delivery method and reason of delivery of the material. 

Budget Connections: Used to list the budget connections of the transaction. 

e-Archive Document Detail: e-Archive information is entered for invoices of which billing type is e-Archive by using invoice right click menu > e-Archive Document Detail option. Some fields are mandatory in this window. If mandatory fields are not entered, this window will appear automatically when attempted to save the invoice. 

e-Ledger Document Detail: This option becomes active when the organizational unit selected in invoice is e-ledger user. It indicates the type of the e-ledger of the relevant document. The "Other" and "Receipt" options are available for documents that substitute invoices other than e-Invoice and printed invoices (e.g. cash register slip, retail sales slip). By using these options, Document Type of such documents is transferred to e-Ledger as Other or Receipt. This information is used while posting to General Ledger and e-ledger document detail is generated.

VAT Totals: It is used to list multiple VAT totals entered for the invoice with the tax assessment, VT rate, and amount total info.