General dispatch information is recorded in detail under the Other tab in the Sales Dispatch window. 
The Description field is used to enter general slip information. 
Invoice Address: The shipment and billing addresses can be different. In case the billing address is different, it is selected under the Invoice Address section. The Code and Description fields list the invoices addresses that are recorded for the AR/AP of the Sales Dispatch. Select the related address. 
Invoice addresses are recorded using the Accounts Receivable / Payable browser > Related Records menu > Invoice Addresses option in Finance module. 
The Other Codes field is used to enter the document tracking number. 
The Transaction Currency field is used to specify how the transaction currency exchange rate information related to lines will be transferred if the dispatches are transferred into invoices. The default value is specified by "Update TC Exchange Rate in Dispatch/Order Transfer: Yes/No" parameter in Sales Management Trading Parameters. The field contains the following options:

  • Use as is
  • Update exchange rate

When "Use as is" is selected, the Transaction Currency information of the lines is directly transferred into the invoices. When Update Exchange Rate is selected, the transaction currency exchange rate information is updated by processing the exchange rate information at the invoice date. 
The Pricing Currency field is used to specify how the pricing currency exchange rate information related to lines will be transferred if the dispatch is transferred into invoices. The field contains the following options:

  • Use As Is
  • Update Exchange Rate

When "Use as is" is selected, the Pricing Currency information of the lines is directly transferred into invoices. When Update Exchange Rate is selected, the pricing currency exchange rate information is updated by processing the exchange rate information at the invoice date. 
The Deduction Rate field is used to specify the deduction rate for the dispatch. The numerator and denominator default values are entered in System Settings module > Sales Management Default Values and Parameters. 
In order to apply deduction on sales transactions, transaction amount and calculated VAT total must exceed the price limit determined by the government. This limit is recorded in Deduction Limits window accessed by System Settings module > Definitions menu. 

Shipment Info 
Ship To (Shipment Account): This field is used to specify the AR/AP to which the delivery will be made. The Code and Description fields list the existing suppliers and the related record is selected. 
Shipment Address: This field is used to designate the shipment address. The Code and Description fields list the shipment addresses that are recorded for the AR/AP of the Sales Dispatch. Select the related address. 
Shipment addresses are recorded using the Accounts Receivable / Payable browser > Related Records menu > Shipment Addresses option in Finance module. 
Use Shipment Address as Billing Address: If it is required to use the shipment address as the billing address, this box is checked. If it is checked, the shipment address is automatically transferred to the Invoice Address section located under the Other tab. 
Delivery Type: This field is used to designate the delivery method. It lists the existing delivery types. Select the related type in Delivery Types list. 
Delivery types are defined in j-Guar System Administration. 
Shipping Agent: This field is used to designate the shipping agent. It lists the existing shipping agents. Select the related definition in Shipping Agents list. 
When specifying the shipping agents for e-Dispatch users, it is required to fill in the Title, TR ID No, Name and Surname fields. When defining AR/AP that is e-Dispatch user, only those companies of which mandatory fields are filled will be displayed in the shipping agent list. 
Package Parcel No: Used to track the package parcel number. 
Transport Type: This field is used to designate the transport type. It lists the existing transport types. Select the related type in Transport Types list. 
Shipping Date: If e-Dispatch is generated through the order transaction and there are attached shipping transactions, the "Shipping Transaction Date" value is written in the "Shipment Date" field. If there is no shipment transaction for e-Dispatch, the date is entered manually. 

Notes field is used to enter general dispatch information.