Unit Conversion: Located in the right mouse button if the material on the line of usage, scrap and input form production slips is processed with other units than the main unit specified on the material's unit set. 
Warehouse Totals: Indicates the status of the material or service in all Warehouses where it is processed. Detailed material information can be received separately from each warehouse. 
Apply Promotion: Used to apply promotion to the transaction. 
Transaction Details: Used to collectively display quantity and unit price information of the materials or sales services in line and the amounts of expenses and discounts reflected to the relevant line or/and the slip in general. 
Credit Card Back Payment Transactions: Applies the back-payment plan on the slips/invoices generated while saving the sales performed by credit card. The "Apply Back Payment Plan" window opens, and the relevant back payment plan is selected. 
Cancel Back Payment Plan: Used to undo the payment/collection transaction which is applied back payment plan. Payment/Collection transactions are regenerated according to the slip payment plan. 
Apply Alternative Material: Used to apply the alternative of the material. 
Link to Demand: This option is available in Wholesale Dispatch, Retail Sales Dispatch and Consignment Dispatch slips. It indicates the relevant demand record by which output operation is performed. 
Serial/Lot/Location Info: Provides compliance with ISO 9000 standards and backward traceability with the Lot and Serial Number tracking system. If the materials on the line are tracked on material slips, the Serial or Lot Number and location information are recorded using the Serial/Lot/Location Info option located in the right click menu. 
Material Class Detail Lines: Used to record the line distribution details on lines of Material Class (general) type. 
Apply Distribution Template: In the slip lines of Material Class type, the details of the child materials of the Material Class can also be recorded using the Distribution Templates. Child materials of the Material Class and their quantities specified on the template are automatically transferred into the line. 
Asset Assignments: Asset usage and scrap transactions are recorded using the Asset Assignments option. 
Apply Additional Tax: Used if the material on the slip line is subject to PCT. 
Intrastat Info: Used to specify the delivery method and reason of delivery of the material. 
Budget Connections: Used to list the budget connections of the transaction.