Resources, which will be used to realize the activity and personnel, who will be working in the process, are saved with Resources option located under Attached Records menu in Project Activity window.
The following information is saved in Resources window:

Resource Type

The type of resource that is required for the activity is selected. The options are:

  • Asset
  • Asset Part
  • Employee
  • Outsourced Asset
  • Outsourced Employee
  • Temporary Asset
  • Temporary Employee

Asset Category

Asset category is specified for the resources of Asset and Asset Part types. The options are:

  • Real Estate
  • Transport Vehicle
  • Equipment

Code / Registration No

The code of asset / asset type or personnel that is selected in Resource Type field. Browse (...) button opens the relevant browser where you can select the record that will be used as a resource. When Resource Type is Employee, Employees browser lists only the records which are designated as Project Resource in Work Info tab of the employee cards.

Description / Name - Surname

The description of the resource that is selected in Code field is transferred to this field. You can also list the relevant definitions and select a resource from Description field.


I t determines if the relevant resource's cost will affect project costs. If so, this box is checked.

Determinant of Planning

If the resource that is selected in line is a determinant of planning, this box is checked. This option indicates that the relevant employee's working hours serve as a determinant of planning when scheduling the activity. Availability of employees/resources, which is a determinant of planning, is identified and the intersection set of available times is found. Employees/resources, which are not classified as a determinant of planning, work in their own available period according to this intersection set.