Resources that will be utilized in the project are assigned to the projects either by selecting them individually in activity resources form or by assigning them to the relevant project activity by means of specifying the quantity of defined asset and work groups in the project template. Resource Assignment option assigns resources to the project activities in batches.
Resource Assignment option is in Project Activity window > Operations menu or in F9 - right click menu of Projects browser. Project activity information is shown in separate lines in Project Resource Assignment window under the following columns.

  • Activity Code
  • Activity Description
  • Planned Start Date
  • Planned End Date
  • Actual Start Date
  • Actual End Date
  • Status

Activities in Draft, Started or Stopped status are listed.
After selecting the activity, select resource from Resource Selection Type list and then continue by clicking Next button.
Resource selection type options are as below.
Select from Groups Defined in Template: If the project is generated by transferring from the template, the assets and work groups, which are related to the template activities specified in the previous step, are listed in the next step.
Select from Asset Groups Defined in Template: If the project is generated by transferring from the template, the assets groups, which are related to the template activities specified in the previous step, are listed in the next step.
Select from Employee Groups Defined in Template: If the project is generated by transferring from the template, the work groups, which are related to the template activities specified in the previous step, are listed in the next step.
Select from All Assets: Regardless of whether the project is transferred from a template, you can access Resource Selection window directly in the next step and list all assets in active status.
Select from All Employees: Regardless of whether the project is transferred from a template, you can access Resource Selection window directly in the next step and list all employees in approved status.
Select from All Outsourced Assets: Regardless of whether the project is transferred from a template, you can access Resource Selection window directly in the next step and list all outsources that are of Outsourced Asset type and in active status.
Select from All Outsourced Employees: Regardless of whether the project is transferred from a template, you can access Resource Selection window directly in the next step and list all outsources that are of Outsourced Employee type and in active status.
In the second step, all resources are listed on the left pane, while resources that will be assigned to the activities are listed on the right pane. In order to move resources between panes, Add / Add All and Delete / Delete All options are used.
After making resource selection, click Apply button to assign the relevant resources to the resources form of the activities that are selected in the first step.