Assets of other asset type can be purchased collectively in term of quantity and they can be tracked collectively. These assets can be re-commissioned by using the same asset record at a different time, or can be sold again at a different time. To do so, you should not perform depreciation tracking for the Other Asset.

  • "Fixed Asset" check box, which you find in the Asset definition card > Details tab, determines whether depreciation tracking will be performed for an asset card. Other Assets of which Fixed Asset box is checked and depreciation tracking will be performed should use a new asset definition card when re-commissioning.

The following options are used to re-commission or resell the Other Assets:
Other Asset - Commissioning option becomes active if the Fixed Asset box is not checked and there is no transaction record in the selected asset record.
In Asset Transactions - Commissioning Slip, Other Assets, of which Fixed Asset box is not checked, can be selected even if their status info is Allocating or Available.
Purchase Receipt and Invoices / Transfer and Input from Project Slips > Asset Assignments Window: Users may need to reuse material-related Other Assets in input slips. To do so, when selecting Other Assets in the Asset Assignments window, the assets of which status info is Available, Unavailable or Allocation, and Fixed Asset box is not checked are selected.
Asset Purchase Invoices: When re-purchasing Other Assets, which are not material-related, the assets of which status info is are Available, Unavailable or Allocation, and Fixed Asset box is not checked are selected in invoice line.
When re-commissioning the Other Assets, serial/lot controls are performed for the assets which are not tracked as fixed assets and are tracked by serial / lot number. For instance, when an asset of Other type - that is commissioned previously and tracked by serial number - is re-purchased or re-commissioned with Transfer Slip, Input from Project Slip or Commissioning Slip at a different time, it cannot be defined with a serial number that has been used previously.

Effect of Purchases of Different Periods on The Asset Input Cost
As the result of purchasing the assets at different times, input cost, hence total cost and VAT change. Cost information in each input transaction is calculated by adding to the current input cost of the asset. Asset's Total Cost and VAT amount are recalculated with this information.

  • Asset period end value which is calculated while posting asset sales to General Ledger is calculated by using unit cost of the asset. It is calculated by multiplying sold quantity by the unit cost. Since Total Cost of the asset will increase with each purchase transaction, an average cost is calculated regardless of the purchase period of the sold asset, and it is posted as the period end asset value.