In order to perform partial delivery of an unbilled receipt on different dates, the receipt must be shredded first. In order to do so, the "Shred" option located on the right click menu of the Purchase Receipts browser is used. Receipt information is modified as required, and the new receipts are generated. The followings must be considered for receipt information opened by the Shred option:

  • AR/AP code, material code, exchange rate code and price information of the receipt cannot be changed.
  • Quantity, warehouse, department, date, shipment address, shipping agent, delivery method and transport type fields can be changed.
  • The "Apply Distribution Template", "Apply Alternative Material", "Apply Additional Tax", "Transfer Order", "Apply Campaign" transactions accessed via F9 menu cannot be performed for shredded receipts.
  • Quantity changes are limited to the receipt quantity. Otherwise user is warned.
  • The receipt quantity is updated according to the quantity specified by receipt shredding transaction.
  • While shredding a receipt which includes materials tracked by serial, lot or location, new serial, lot and location info cannot be entered, only the quantity can be changed.
  • A new line cannot be added to the receipt, and the existing lines cannot be deleted.
  • Rate info is distributed in rate format, and discount and expense lines entered in amount are distributed equally.
  • Material Class quantity control is performed on detail quantities basis.
  • When related dispatches of a receipt are deleted, the quantity is added to the quantity column of the main receipt. However, if the related receipts are deleted after the main dispatches are billed, the quantities are not added to the main receipt.
  • When it is required to delete the main shredded receipt, "Shredded Dispatches/Receipts cannot be deleted!" warning is received. Related receipts and the main receipt are deleted respectively.