Used to realize purchase proposals collectively. This option is located under the Operations menu of the Purchasing module. Required characteristics for proposal realization are specified on the filter lines.



Demand Date

Start / End

Demand Slip Number

Group / Range

Demand Slip Status

Evaluating / Evaluated / Realizing Proposal / Delivering

Demand Slip Aux. Code

Group / Range

Demand Slip Auth. Code

Group / Range

Transaction Type

Material / Service / Asset / Material Class / Material Set

Material Code

Group / Range

Material Description

Group / Range

Material Aux. Code

Group / Range

Variant Code

Group / Range

Variant Description

Group / Range

Transaction Status

Evaluating / Evaluated / Realizing Proposal

Demand Warehouse

Group / Range

Demand Organizational Unit

Group / Range

Requester Reg. Code

Group / Range

Delivery Date

Start - End Date Rage

Proposal Type

Purchase Order / Purchase Demand / Warehouse Transfer/ Demand / Project / Tender / Production / Import / Purchasing File

Transaction Warehouse

Defined warehouses

Evaluator Employee Number

Group / Range

Evaluator Department Number

Group / Range

Once the required conditions are specified on the filter lines, the Apply button is clicked.
The Delivery Proposals window displays transactions related to each delivery type under the related option.
Proposal slip information resulting from demand delivery can be modified. Slips are generated using the "Generate Slip" option.
The Delivery Proposals option located under the Related Records menu of the Purchase Demand list is used to view delivery proposals related to the purchase demand.