After starting the Project, Project activities may finish earlier or later than planned dates. In such cases, you need to re-plan the dates of other pending activities. Re-plan Project operation updates planned start and end dates of pending activities according to the specified date automatically.
Re-plan Project option is in Project window > General tab F9 menu.
This option opens the following window in which you will specify an Update Date to re-plan the activities in Draft status. When planning, the status, priority and limitation information of the activities are taken into consideration. Planned dates are calculated and updated according to this limitation info and priorities.

Last Update Date field that is in Project definition card > General tab > Work Parameters section shows the last date by which Project is planned.

If Update Date does not comply with calendar and shift information, system warns user informing that the specified date is not applicable, and the system generates alternative dates.

When re-planning a Project, the following steps are the most significant.

  • Re-plan option updates planning information of the activities in Draft status only.
  • Planned dates of all independent activities, namely the activities with no priority or limitation relationship, are changed with update date and hour.
  • If there are other activities affecting the updated activity, it is subjected to planning in accordance with priority relationship.
  • If the status of one of the activities that are related with a priority relationship is not Draft, it is not included in planning. The other activity is subjected to planning by ignoring its priority relationship.
  • If the activities have limitation information, planned start and end dates are updated with the most appropriate date according to the limitation.
  • If the activity has both limitation and a priority relationship affecting the activity itself, planning is performed according to limitation information. Limitation is dominant over priority relationship.
  • The effects of "Planning" parameter in Project Work Parameters:
    • When it is "Project Start Date":
      • Planned Start Date and Hour of the related activity are changed with Update Date and Hour information that is specified in the operation. If there is a different date calculated due to priority relationships, this date is changed with Update Date.
      • If activity's Planned Start Date, which is calculated due to priority relationships of the activity, is not earlier than Project Planned Start Date, it is updated with calculated date. If it is an earlier date, then it is updated with the Project Planned Start Date.
    • When it is "Project End Date":
      • The related activity's Planned End Date and Hour are updated with Update Date and Hour. If there is a different date calculated due to priority relationships, this date is changed with this date.
      • If activity's Planned End Date, which is calculated due to priority relationships of the activity, is not later than Project Planned End Date, it is updated with calculated date. It is a future date, it is updated with Project Planned End Date.
  • The planned resource usage records of the resources that are related to the re-planned activities are regenerated according to the updated dates.