Purchasing file information is recorded using the New option in the Announced Tenders / Files browser. The following information is entered under the Requirement List and Notes tabs in the Purchasing Files window.


Slip No

The record and tracking number of the purchasing file. Slips are in order by their record number. Slip number is mandatory and slips cannot be saved without specifying the slip number.

Slip Date

The record date of the purchasing slip. The system date appears by default. It can be changed when required. Slips are in order by date. Slip date is mandatory.


The record time of the purchasing file. The system time appears by default. It can be changed when required.

Auxiliary Code

A secondary code field of 10-character length used to group slips.

The auxiliary code is used to classify purchasing files by company specific criteria. This field can also be used to enter additional information for the purchasing file if the required field does not exist on the slip.

Authorization Code

Used to define authorizations in detail. It is a 10-character length field. Users can access or process the records only if they are authorized by work definition. Detailed authorization definition required planning. First, the relevant slips which can be processed and accessed by the users or user groups are specified. Then each slip group must be assigned a different authorization code. Slips are encrypted on authorization code basis. It is ensured that users can perform transactions on the slips only if they logged in with the relevant authorization code.

Contact To

The contacts information of the purchasing file. The browse button opens the Employees browser, and the relevant contacts are selected from this list.

Requirements List

Materials and services which will be purchased are entered under the Requirements List tab in purchasing file.


The required material's type is specified. The options are:


  • Material
  • Service
  • Asset
  • Material Class
  • Material Set


The code of purchasing file material/service. The records complying with the specified material type are listed, and the required definition is selected.


The description of purchasing file material/service. The description of the record selected in Code field is transferred to this field automatically. This field can also be used to access the records as in the Code field.

Variant Code and Description

If material selected in the Code field is configurable, the relevant variant is specified in Variant Code or Variant Description field.


The quantity of purchasing file material/service. If there are demand/proposal connections, these connections are updated when quantity is changed. They are updated by date order starting from the earliest record, and the difference between the demand/proposal amount and the current amount is decreased from the slip amount. The status of the relevant demand/proposal is also considered while saving the slip. If the connection is broken completely with the slips in Delivered status, the status is updated as Approved. If it is partially broken, the status is updated as Delivering.


The unit over which the relevant material will be processed is specified in this field. The main unit appears by default. It can be changed when required.


When unit is changed in the Requirements lines created by the application as a result of demand/proposal connections, these connections are updated. They are updated by date order starting from the earliest record, and the difference between the demand/proposal amount and the current amount is decreased from the slip amount. The status of the relevant demand/proposal is also considered while saving the slip. If the connection is broken completely with the slips in Delivered status, the status is updated as Approved. If it is partially broken, the status is updated as Delivering.

Unit Price

The unit price of the material or service on the line.

Unit Price (PC)

The unit price of the material or service on the line over the pricing currency.


The currency type which will apply for the transaction in line.

Exchange Rate

The exchange rate of the pricing currency.

VAT Rate (%)

The VAT rate which will apply for the transaction in line.

VAT Amount

The VAT amount which will apply for the transaction in line.

VAT Included

If this option is checked, it indicates that the amount specified on the line is VAT included.


The transaction amount. It is calculated by considering the unit price and the quantity.

Amount (PC)

The total amount of the transaction in line over the pricing currency. It is calculated by considering the pricing currency and quantity information.


It is checked if the transaction in line is cancelled.

Guarantee Period (Year)

Indicates the guarantee period of the material.