Transfer Order: Used to transfer purchase orders into dispatches.

Apply Line Payment Plan: Used to connect payment plans to line transactions on purchase order slips, receipts and invoices in batches.

Apply Campaign: The Discounts, Expenses and Promotions to be applied to the purchase for the slip/invoice lines and bottom are applied using the Apply Purchase Conditions option. 

Clear Campaign: Used to undo the promotions and campaigns applied for the discounts, expenses and promotions for the purchase in slip/invoice lines or in general.

Unit Price Update: Used to transfer suitable defined prices into all lines or lines without unit price. This option is not displayed in service and price difference invoices.

Additional Discounts: Used to apply additional discount on material in line. There are 5 discount additional discount lines in total. When the "Apply To All Lines" option is checked, all lines in order slip (except for general lines) are applied discount. When this option is checked, additional discounts that are defined are listed after each relevant line.

Apply Discount: Used to apply the defined discount to transaction bottom.

Apply Net Discount: Net discount refers to the rate or amount applied over the net total to the line or slip amount. The "Apply Net Discount" option becomes active only in Discount lines. In order to calculate VAT over the net discount, the Assumed VAT rate must be specified in Net Discount window. Gross discount is calculated after net discount application; and then line and invoice totals are recalculated.

Apply Analysis Details to All Lines: This option is used to apply analysis detail information which is entered for transaction lines in Purchase Receipts to all lines. When selected, analysis details of the relevant line is copied to all other lines.

While copying, analysis dimension, project and project activity code, distribution rate and amount to be distributed option (line amount / VAT Exclusive - Inclusive) are also copied. Amount information of analysis detail lines is calculated automatically by the amount information given in distribution rate and amount to be distributed option.

Control Options: Used to specify controls for slip bottom. Inspection defaults are specified using the Defaults and Parameters option located under the Administration heading of the System Settings module and transferred as default into transactions. Control options are used only to change this default for this operation.

Batch Unit Price Setting : It is used for batch operation without selecting the "Price Setting" operation one by one for each line in the slip.