In purchase order slips, the delivered part of the material or service processed on the line is tracked using the Delivered Quantity and Undelivered Quantity totals. On the order slip line, the Shipment Info option located in the right click menu is used to display the shipping info of the material or service processed in the line. The Shipment Info window is displayed as a table. Shipment information related to material orders is listed with the following information.

  • Transaction Quantity
  • Shipment Transaction Quantity
  • Difference
  • Shipment Address Code / Description
  • Quantity
  • Delivery Type
  • Shipping Agent
  • Transport Type

Shipment transactions can be viewed in detail at the bottom section of the Shipment Info window under the following columns.

  • Date
  • Quantity
  • Delivered Quantity
  • Remaining Quantity

Services Purchased Shipping Info

The Services purchased orders can only be linked to an invoice, and not to a dispatch. Invoices and dates related to purchased service orders and the undelivered quantities are displayed. The Shipping Info window is displayed as a table. Shipment information related to service orders is listed with the following information.

  • Invoice number
  • Invoice date
  • Invoice type
  • Quantity
  • Unit

The bottom part of the Shipment Info window displays the Delivered Service Totals and the Undelivered Service Totals.