The following information is recorded using the “New” option on the Purchase Expenses browser:



Code: The system tracking code of the expense definition. The Code field is mandatory.  Alphanumeric characters can be used for coding. Expenses are sorted by their codes.  Code information is the most basic information allowing the records to be used rapidly and accurately in operations such as searching, sorting, selection, grouping and reporting. Therefore, expense definitions cannot be saved without entering code information.

Description: The name or the description of the expense. The string is 50 characters long.

The Description field is not mandatory. The same Description can be entered for separate expenses. However, expenses are also sorted by their descriptions. Transactions such as search, sorting, selection, grouping and reporting can also be performed according to the first ten characters of the description info.

Auxiliary Code: A secondary coding field used to group expenses. The string is 10 characters long. Alphanumeric characters can be used for coding. The Aux. Code is used to group expenses by company specific criteria. The Aux. Code can be used as a filter in reports. Report requirements of the company should be considered while setting Aux. Codes for effective reporting. Aux. Code definitions are recorded on the System Settings section. However, they can also be added through the Aux. Code fields on cards. The information entered in the Aux. Code field does not necessarily have to be a defined Aux. Code.

Authorization Code: Used to define detailed authorizations. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. The string is 10 characters long. Alphanumeric characters can be used to assign the code. Auth. Code definitions are recorded on the System Settings section. However, they can also be added through the authorization code fields on cards. Records are encrypted according to the information provided on the Auth. Code field so that only the users with the specified authorization code can access the records.

Rounding Base: The rounding base to be used if the calculated discount total is decimal.

VAT Rate: The VAT rate of the expense. Is assigned as a %.

Unit: The unit with which purchase expenses will be processed.

G/L Connection Group: The field used to specify the G/L connection group of the expense definition. Recorded connection groups are listed, and definition to be applied to the definition is selected.

Formula: The expense calculation method is recorded on the formula field of expense definitions. In this parametric field, selected parameters are used in arithmetic operations and functions, and logical and mathematical operations are performed. This situation provides process automation and minimizes error margins. The calculation method is recorded using the parameters on the tables below, and arithmetic and logical operators.  Logical operations are applied on the Formula field, and it is specified whether the defined expense will be applied according to the selected criteria. The usage of functions along with parameters is critical for the generation and application of detailed calculation systems. The List button is clicked on the formula field. The formula parameters are listed and a selection is made.

Application Type

The option used to specify the application method of the expense. The options are:

  • Applied to bottom
  • Applied to line

When Applied to bottom is selected, the expense is applied to slip/invoice bottom.

When Apply to line is selected, the defined expense is applied only to the slip/invoice line.