Used to save purchase demands delivery records quickly. It is located under the Operations menu of Purchasing Management. Filters are used to determine which demand slips will be delivered.
Demand transactions which are selected with these filters have the same transaction steps as in the Quick Demand Delivery Wizard accessed from F9 menu of Demand Slips.



Demand Slip Date

Start and End Date

Demand Slip Number

Group / Range

Demand Slip Document Number

Group / Range

Demand Slip Auxiliary Code

Group / Range

Demand Slip Auth. Code

Group / Range

Demand Slip Status

Approved / Approving / Delivering / Evaluating

Material Code

Group / Range

Material Description

Group / Range

Material Aux. Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Code

Group / Range

Material Auth. Code

Group / Range

Variant Code

Group / Range

Variant Description

Group / Range

Transaction Warehouse

Group / Range

Evaluator Employee No

Group / Range

Evaluator Department No

Group / Range

Organizational Unit

Group / Range