The status of proposal records is changed using the "Change Status" option located on the right click menu of the Purchase Proposals browser. The status options are Draft, Approved, Rejected, Contract, Order and Cancelled.

The "Draft" status indicates that the purchase proposal is in Draft phase. The proposals are generated in Draft status. Then they can be changed into Approved status using the Change Status option. New price proposals can be added to the proposals in Draft status, and the existing proposals can be edited.

The "Approved" status indicates that the proposal is approved. The proposal status can be changed from the Approved status into the Draft, Rejected, Contract, Order and Cancelled statuses.

The "Rejected" status indicates that the proposal is not accepted. The "Rejected" proposal status can only be changed into the Approved status.

The "Contract" status indicates that the proposal is prepared for a contract. It can be changed into the Approved and Cancelled statuses. However, in order to cancel a Contract proposal, the contract should not be transferred. Contracts which are transferred cannot be cancelled.

The "Order" status can be changed into the Approved and Cancelled statuses; however, in order to cancel an Order proposal, the order should not be transferred. Orders which are transferred cannot be cancelled.

The "Cancelled" status indicates that the proposal is cancelled. The cancelled proposals can only be changed into the Approved status.