Price Proposals (issued) are recorded in Price Proposals window accessed by clicking the Continue button in Proposal definition window. Price Proposals option is also available under the Attached Records menu of Sales Proposals browser. 
Upon clicking the Price Proposals option, Price Proposals (Issued) window opens. Price definitions which will apply for the sales proposal are added in this window and the existing price definitions are listed. Price proposals are listed with the following information.

  • Slip Date
  • Slip Number
  • Valid
  • Aux. Code
  • Authorization Code
  • Amount
  • Amount (RC)

New price proposals (issued) are recorded using the "New" option or the "Generate Price Proposal" option in F9 menu of the Price Proposals browser. The following information is recorded for the price proposal (issued). 

General Info 
No: The number of the price proposal. An alphanumeric field of 24 characters long. 
Date: The record date of the price proposal. 
Hour: The time of the price proposal. 
Validity Date: Indicates a due date until when the proposal will be valid. System date will appear by default. It cannot be after the End Date. 
Auxiliary Code: A secondary coding field used to group price proposals. The string is 10 characters long. Alphanumeric characters can be used for coding. The Aux. Code is used to group price proposals by company specific criteria. The Aux. Code can be used as a filter in reports. 
Authorization Code: Used to define detailed authorizations. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. The string is 10 characters long. Alphanumeric characters can be used to assign the code. Auth. Code definitions are recorded on the System Settings section. However, they can also be added through the authorization code fields on cards. Records are encrypted according to the information provided on the Auth. Code field so that only the users with the specified authorization code can access the records. 
Payment Plan: Price proposals can vary depending on payment terms. This field indicates the payment plan of the price proposal. Existing payment plans are listed by clicking the  button, and the related plan is selected. 
Salesperson: Salesperson who prepared the relevant proposal is entered. 

Proposal Info 
AR/AP: Code and description of the AR/AP specified in proposal card. 
Phase: Current phase of the proposal. 
Proposal Type: Type of the proposal specified in proposal card. 
Start/End Date: Start and end dates of the proposal. 
Description: A general description field for the slip. 

Price Proposal Lines 
Type: The type field used to select materials, services, assets, material classes and material sets included in the price proposal. 
Code: The code of the material/service subject of the price proposal. The material or service to which the price will be applied is selected by accessing the related definition list depending on the selection made on the Type field. 
Description: The description of the material/service subject of the price proposal. The material/service description specified on the code field is automatically transferred into this field. Related definition lists can also be accessed through the description field, allowing selections or new definitions. 
Variant Code / Description: The code/description of the material variant processed in the line. (This field is editable when the processed material is configurable) 
Quantity: The quantity of the material, service, asset, material class or material set to subject to price proposal. 
Unit: Indicates the unit with which the price is given. The main unit is displayed as default. 
Unit Price: The unit price of the material, service, asset, material class or material set. The unit price options are listed by clicking the List button. One of the defined price, average price, last purchase or sales price, average of on hand, average of inputs, periodic average, LIFO and FIFO cost value options can be selected for materials. For services received, the defined price and last purchase price can be selected. 
Unit Price in (P.C.): The unit price of the material, service, asset, material class or material set in pricing currency. The unit price in the selected currency is recorded on the Currency type field. 
Unit Price in F. Currency (RC): Unit price of the material over reporting currency. 
Currency: This field is used to indicate the Currency Type of the price specified on the Unit Price field. Currency types are listed, and the related currency is selected. 
Exchange Rate: The exchange rate of the pricing currency. The exchange rate at the slip date read from the daily exchange rate table is displayed on the field. The exchange rate can be changed if necessary. 
(%): The discount percentage to be applied only to the material/service on the line. 
VAT Rate: Material/Service VAT rate. Is assigned as a %. 
VAT Included: Indicates whether the price specified on the Unit Price is VAT included. The box next to the field is checked if VAT is included. 
Amount: The amount of the transaction. This value is automatically calculated and transferred into the field by the application using the Quantity and the Unit Price
VAT Amount: The VAT amount calculated by the application by processing the VAT rate for the material/service on the line and the information entered on the unit price fields.
Amount in (P.C.): The amount of the transaction on the line calculated in pricing currency. This value is automatically calculated and transferred into the field by the application using the Quantityand the Unit Price
Amount in F. Currency (RC): The amount of the transaction over reporting currency. This value is automatically calculated and transferred into the field by the application using the Quantity and the Unit Price
Updated Unit Price: The new price information is entered into this field if the price is updated at a later date. 
Updated Unit Price (PC): The new price in f. currency is entered over pricing currency in this field if the price is updated at a later date. 
Updated Unit Price (RC): The new price in f. currency is entered over reporting currency in this field if the price is updated at a later date. 
Updated Amount: The material/service amount calculated through the updated unit price. 
Updated Amount in F.C. (PC): The material/service amount in pricing currency calculated through the updated unit price. 
Updated Amount in F.C. (RC): The material/service amount in reporting currency calculated through the updated unit price. 
Order No: Indicates the priority of the price proposal. 
Payment Plan: Indicates the payment terms with for which the material/service price specified on the line will be applied. Existing payment / collection plans are listed, and the appropriate plan is selected. 
Transaction Auxiliary Code: The transaction auxiliary code of the material/service price. Used to group the proposal lines, filter a group of information during report generation and to display the totals of the grouped information. The user can use this field to record any necessary information that is not included in the slip. The Transaction Aux. Code on the line is different from the Aux. Code located at the top of the slip. The Aux. Code located at the top is a code pertaining to the slip bottom, while the Transaction Aux. Code is used to group transactions. Filtering can be done by Transaction Aux. Code information in all slip reports. However, the application does not sort the slips by Transaction Aux. Code. 
Description: The description of the transaction in the line. An alphanumeric field of 30 characters long. 
Cancel: Used to cancel the line related to the price proposal. 
Delivery Date: Refers to the delivery date of the material for which price proposal is given. 
Totals: Price proposal total amount and exchange rate information is saved in Totals section over the reporting currency. Totals tab is divided into two sections:

  • Reporting Currency
  • Transaction Currency

Reporting Currency: This option is used to record slip totals amount and exchange rate information in RC. The amount is calculated by taking exchange rate information - which is read from Daily Exchange Rates Table - and slip total amount into account; and it is transferred to the Total field automatically. However, if transaction will be saved over a different exchange rate value, RC exchange rate value is changed. 
Transaction Currency: This section is used to record proposal's transaction currency information. Transaction Currency type is selected in Type field or it is selected from Currencies list. The equivalent exchange rate of the local currency - which is read from Daily Exchange Rates Table - and invoice total amount are used to calculate TC total amount; and it is transferred to the field automatically. However, if transaction will be saved over a different exchange rate value, new exchange rate value is entered or selected from exchange rates table. 
Analysis Details: Analysis Details option is used to save analysis dimensions and projects which will be affected by the relevant transactions performed in sales proposal. It is located at the bottom of the slip. Analysis details are recorded separately for each line shown in sales slip and invoices.