The material classes are structures used to monitor the materials by dividing them into groups by their qualitative and quantitative properties such as color, length, size, engine power, accessories, etc.

The Material Class definitions are used to record the general properties of the class, material characteristics and the usage, location and unit information. The Child Material Classes and/or Materials, class and table connections to be monitored are established under these classes and associated with the appropriate Material Class. The Material definitions to be included in a given class are automatically generated using the Material Classes (with table) option.

The Material Classes have two definitions: General and With Table. The material tree is generated by establishing table and class connections.

What is the advantage of Material Classes?

  • The Material Class definitions are used to record the general properties of the class, material characteristics and the usage, location and unit information. The Child Material Classes and/or Materials, class and table connections to be monitored are established under these classes and associated with the appropriate Material Class. The Material definitions to be included in a given class are automatically generated using the Material Classes (with table) option.
  • The Material Classes have a hierarchical structure. Each material class can include as many sub-classes as required. Each level can be divided into as many subdivisions as required. The Class Connections are generated, and the requested class characteristics are automatically transferred into the subgroups in accordance with the hierarchical structure.
  • The Material and Material Class definitions are connected to the Customer/Supplier and Trading Groups. The customers that the Material Class and the materials within the class are sold to, and the suppliers who supplied such materials can be easily tracked and reported.
  • Material class units and the unit set to be applied to the material class and related child material classes and materials are specified through the material definition window or while class connections are established.
  • The warehouse level of the Material Classes and the materials contained within these classes, and the method to be used for material level checks are recorded. This information is automatically assigned to the subclasses and Materials within the group by establishing class connections.