Inventory evaluation information is recorded using the "New" option located in IFRS Inventory Evaluation Slip browser. Slip information is as below:

Slip Number

The tracking number of the slip. A mandatory field of 16 characters long.

Alphanumeric characters can be used to enter the number. The slips are sorted by their numbers.


The record date of the transaction. The Slip Date field is mandatory. Slips are sorted by date.


Indicates the hour that the slip is recorded.

Auxiliary Code

A secondary code field used to classify slips. Contains 10 characters. The Aux. Code allows the user to group the slips according to certain company specific criteria and to generate reports. The user can use this field to record any necessary information that is not included in the slip.

Authorization Code

Used to define detailed authorizations. The string is 10 characters long. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. A planning process must be performed for detailed authorization definitions. First, slips to be accessed or processed by each user or user group should be specified. Then, separate authorization codes are assigned to slip types accessible by each authorization group.

Organizational Unit

Indicates the organizational unit of the transaction. This field is used to associate the material transactions with one of the defined organizational units of the company. Defined organizational units are listed and the related unit is selected.


Activities or activity groups within an organization which are independent from each other in terms of organization and accounting. This field is used to associate the material transaction with one of the defined departments of the company. Recorded department definitions are listed and the related definition is selected.

Warehouse Cost Group

The relevant cost group in which the Cost Inventory Evaluations will be performed is specified in this field. Different cost amounts incur for each warehouse cost group in input and output transactions. Therefore, warehouse cost group must be specified to perform evaluations and calculate the cost amount accurately.

G/L Slip Type

All slips generated for the chart of accounts specified for the IFRS are listed, and the relevant slip type which is required to generate after the transaction is selected. The chart of accounts is specified in Administrator module for IFRS. G/L slip types are recorded using the System Settings module > Types > General Ledger > General Ledger Slip Types menu option.

Material Line Details

Detailed information about the materials selected by Material filter options is entered in the following fields.

Material Code

Indicates the code of the relevant material selected for the IFRS inventory evaluation transaction. This field opens the Materials browser to select the required record.

Material Description

Indicates the description of the relevant material selected for the IFRS inventory evaluation transaction. This field opens the Materials browser to select the required record.

Variant Code

Indicates the variant code in case that the material selected for the IFRS inventory evaluation transaction is configurable. After selecting the material, the required variants are selected.

Variant Description

Indicates the variant description in case that the material selected for the IFRS inventory evaluation transaction is configurable. After selecting the material, the required variants are selected.

Warehouse Cost Group

Indicates the Warehouse Cost Group which will apply for the transaction in line.


Indicates the main unit of the material.

Inventory Quantity

Indicates the inventory quantity on the last inventory date.

Inventory Unit Price

Indicates the IFRS unit price in the local currency type of the material.

Inventory Amount

Indicates the inventory amount calculated by multiplying the inventory quantity and the inventory unit price.

User Defined Sales Price

Indicates the sales price information entered in the material record. It is recorded using the Sales Prices option located under the Attached Records menu of the Materials browser. If there are multiple sales prices defined for a material records, the main sales prices corresponding to the inventory date is transferred to this field.

Last Sales Price

Indicates the sales price information specified in the sales slip (dispatch, invoice) generated for the last sales transaction of the material.


Indicates the IFRS FIFO cost information on the inventory date.


Indicates the IFRS LIFO cost information on the inventory date.

User Defined Cost

Material's unit cost is entered manually in this field.

Evaluation Amount

Indicates the evaluation amount calculated by multiplying the cost amount and inventory quantity which will be used in IFRS inventory evaluation transaction.

Loss of Value

Indicates the negative difference between the inventory evaluation amount and the inventory amount.

Value Increase

Indicates the positive difference between the inventory evaluation amount and the inventory amount.

Select Cost Method

The cost method selected here is used to calculate inventory evaluation amount.

User Defined Sales Price

Evaluation amount is calculated by multiplying the defined sales price with the inventory quantity.

Last Sales Price

Evaluation amount is calculated by multiplying the last sales price with the inventory quantity.


Evaluation amount is calculated by multiplying the FIFO cost with the inventory quantity.


Evaluation amount is calculated by multiplying the LIFO ost with the inventory quantity.

User Defined Cost

Evaluation amount is calculated by multiplying the User Defined Cost amount (entered in the material line) with the inventory quantity.

Total (LC)

Loss of Value

Displays the total IFRS value decrease in the material line in local currency type.

Value Increase

Displays the total IFRS value increase in the material line in local currency type.


Material Filters

The Materials option is used to set the required criteria to select materials for the IFRS inventory evaluation slips. It is located at the bottom of the slip window. The filter options are:



Material Status

All / Active / Inactive

Material Type

Commercial Good / Deposit Item / Asset / Raw Material / Semi Finished Good / Finished Good / Consumer Good

Material Code

Group / Range

Material Description

Group / Range

Material Auxiliary Code

Group / Range

Material Authorization Code

Group / Range

Material Group Code

Group / Range

Material AR/AP Code

Group / Range

Material AR/AP Description

Group / Range

Customer / Supplier Code

Group / Range

Customer / Supplier Description

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Description

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Aux. Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Auth Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Group Code

Group / Range


Yes / No

Variant Code

Group / Range

Variant Description

Group / Range

Variant Aux. Code

Group / Range

Variant Auth. Code

Group / Range

Inventory Quantity

Group / Range

After specifying the required criteria in filter lines, click the "Apply" button, and the relevant materials will be transferred to the slip lines.

Update Material Info

This option is used to refresh materials selected in IFRS inventory evaluation slip to calculate the current cost according to the inventory date. It is located under the Operations menu at the bottom of the slip window.