By using Disassembly Slip option, disassembly operations are saved in the same manner quick production operations of the finished and semi finished goods are saved with Quick Production Slips.

To generate disassembly operations, click Quick Production Slips browser > New option and select Disassembly Slip type. Enter disassembly operation information in this window.

General slip information is saved in the heading section of the slip.

Operation information is entered in Finished Good section.


The code of the Finished Good/Semi Finished Good for which disassembly will be performed. Browse button opens the list of Materials and the relevant record is selected.


Operation quantity is entered.

Scrap Rate

The scrap rate of the finished good. It is not used in Quick Production Slips. It is used in Disassembly Slips only.

Semi Finished Goods Disassambly Option

Will Not Be Disassembled

If semi finished good will not be disassembled, Scrap and Usage Slips are generated for the main good to be disassembled, while Input From Production Slip is generated for the finished / semi finished goods that are used.

Will Be Disassembled

Scrap and Usage Slips are generated for the main good to be disassembled, while Input From Production Slip is generated for the finished / semi finished goods to be used at the last stage.

When you continue by clicking Save option, the slip is saved. The relevant Scrap, Usage and Input From Production Slip are generated. You can access these material slips with Related Records menu > Material Slips option.