This option is used to specify foreign currency usage parameters. It is located under the Defaults and Parameters > Organizational menu in System Settings module.
Exchange Rate Types: Four types used in daily exchange rate entry can be named according to their usage. In this way, currency type selection is facilitated. For example, exchange rate types can be named as Currency Purchase, Currency Sales, Effective Purchase, Effective Sales, or names can be assigned according to exchange rates applied by banks. Names of exchange rate types are recorded on related fields.
Automatic Usage: Four separate types of exchange rate information can be recorded for each Currency type on daily exchange rate entries. The Automatic Usage field is used to specify the exchange rate value to be used while amounts in foreign currency are being calculated automatically during transactions performed in the business administration system. The exchange rate type to be used can be specified in general for all sections of the application or separately for each section.
The exchange rate to be used is recorded in the following fields.

  • General
  • Material Management
  • Purchase
  • Sales Management
  • Overseas Monthly Wage

In addition, the currency window is accessed during the transaction and an exchange rate can be selected if necessary.

Exchange Rate Value Tolerance: The field used to define the tolerance range based on the exchange rate information of the nearest date before that date to prevent user errors while exchange rate values are entered or used in transactions.
For example, a warning message can be displayed, or the transaction can be blocked if the exchange rate entered for a specific day is higher for more than 10% or lower for more than 1% from the previous rate.
Tolerance Control: This parameter is used to specify the controls to be applied for possible user errors, and the method for these controls. Tolerance control options are:

  • Control in Exchange Rate Value Entry
  • Control in Transactions

Control in Exchange Rate Value Entry is selected, the control is applied in accordance with the definition made on the Tolerance Ranges field when exchange rate values are entered.
When Control on Transactions is selected, controls are performed during transactions.
When Over Tolerance Limit: This field is used to specify the control method to be applied in exchange rate entries that exceed the tolerance limit. This parameter lists the following options.

  • Proceed
  • Block

When Proceed is selected, the transaction continues without any control even if tolerance limits are exceeded.
When Block is selected, a warning message is displayed, and exchange rates or transactions are not recorded if tolerance rates are exceeded.