It is used to update credit interest rate for the specified credit definitions collectively.
Interest and Additional Interest rates are updated for the credit definitions specified in the relevant filter lines. Back payment plan lines, which do not have a payment transaction dated after the calculation date, are regenerated with the new interest and additional interest rates.
The Parameters tab of Credit Interest Rate Update window will display the following fields.
Calculation Date: This is a mandatory field where the calculation date of transaction is entered.
Additional Interest Rate Definition: Additional interest rate definition of the transaction is entered. The "Browse" option opens the Additional Interest Rates browser. One of the existing definitions is selected or a new definition is made. If there is a selected additional interest definition, credits that will meet filter criteria will be the credits using the relevant additional interest rate definition.
Additional Interest Rate: Rate information of the additional interest definition. Once the additional interest rate definition is made, rate info will appear. Otherwise, additional interest rate is entered manually to update in credits.
Interest Rate: The valid interest rate for the transaction.
After giving parameter values, filters are specified to determine which credit records will be updated.
Credit Code: Indicates the credit code of which interest rate will be updated. If there is an additional interest rate definition selected in the Parameters tab, credits that will meet filter criteria will be the credits using the relevant additional interest rate definition. Otherwise, interest rates of the filtered credit records are updated.
Credit Description: Indicates the credit description of which interest rate will be updated.
Credit Auxiliary Code: Indicates the auxiliary code of the credit of which interest rate will be updated.
Credit Authorization Code: Indicates the authorization code of the credit of which interest rate will be updated.
Credit Type: Indicates the relevant credit type of which interest rate will be updated. The options are:

  • Import Credit
  • Export Credit
  • Investment Credit
  • Operation Credit
  • Non - Cash Credit

Start Date: Start date of the credit.
Bank Account Code: Bank account code of the credit.
Bank Account Name: Bank account name of the credit.
Currency: Selected from the presented currency types.
Additional Interest Rate: The relevant additional interest rate that will be updated is specified.
Payment Type: Indicates the credit payment type. The options are:

  • Fixed Installment
  • Variable Installment
  • Back Payment Plan

By clicking the "Apply" option, interest rate update is performed for the filtered credits.