Cost distribution slips are used to distribute services received within a period to the material costs. While distributing costs, the transactions of the service records saved by checking the "Affects Cost" option are considered. Cost Distribution Slips option is located under the Material Management module > Transaction menu. In order to add a new slip or modify existing records, the relevant buttons and the F9/right click menu options are used.


Used to record a new cost distribution slip.


Used to modify cost distribution slip information.


Used to delete the cost distribution slip.


Used to view the cost distribution slip. Slip information displayed using this option cannot be changed.


Used to copy selected slip information into a new slip.

Attached Records

G/L Slip (Main Chart of Accounts

Used to access the G/L slip generated according to the main chart of accounts.

G/L Slip (Second Chart of Accounts)

Used to access the G/L slip generated according to the second chart of accounts.

G/L Slip (Third Chart of Accounts)

Used to access the G/L slip generated according to the third chart of accounts.

Document Folder

Used to record and access to documents related to the cost distribution slip.


Record Information

Displays the time and the user of the first registry and the last modification of the slip.

Record History

Used to list recording history by some info such as user, company, date, etc.


Used to refresh the cost distribution slips list.


Line Coloring

Used to color the lines of cost distribution slips list according to the specified criteria.

Back to Defaults

Used to return the window dimensions into the application default.

Save Settings

Used to save cost distribution slips list settings.

Save General Settings

Used to save general settings.

Number of Records

List the total number of records.


List Report

Used to report the records of cost distribution slips list collectively.

Grouped List Report

Used to list the cost distribution slips by grouping them according to column headings.


Select All

Used to select all records in cost distribution slips list.

Clear All Selections

Used to clear all selections.

Toggle Selection

Used to toggle the selections in list.

Table Characteristics

Used to record the columns to be displayed on the cost distribution slips list and their order.