Contract Info tab is a page where Project activities are linked to the related contracts so that progress payments can be calculated. You can link multiple contracts to each project activity. A contract can be used in more than one activity.
System Settings > Project Management Defaults and Parameters > "In Calculation of Progress Payment Production Totals: Use Actual Info / Use Quantity Info" parameter is used to determine if multiple contracts can be linked to an activity by inserting multiple lines. If parameter value is set to "Use Actual Info", you can add a single contract line only. If it is set to "Use Quantity Info", you can add multiple contract line to an activity.
Attention: When copying the activities, contract information is not copied.

You cannot change the status of contracts that are linked to the activities ad Draft. The system will warn you.

Contract No

Contract No field opens Contracts browser where you can select from Purchase Contracts in Approved status.

Contract Line Type

After selecting Contract Number, Type information that is specified in contract line is transferred to this field automatically.

Material Code

The code of the material that is selected in contract line.

Unit Price

The unit price information that is specified in contract line.


The amount in contract line.

Amount (RC)

The amount in contract line in reporting currency.

Supplier Type

The type of the supplier that is specified in contract line.

Code / Title

Code and Title refer to the AR/AP that is selected in Contract's General tab.