When a project related activity's status is checked, system updates the status of the project as well. You can apply status changes by clicking Change Status option in Project definition form Activities tab.

Activity statuses are as follow:

  • Draft
  • Approved
  • Started
  • Stopped
  • Completed
  • Canceled

The status of the project is updated according to the status of the project activity that is first in line. For instance, when the first activity of a project that has three activities is Approved, the second is Cancelled and the third is Started, project status is updated as Approved since it is the first in line.
In some status changes, the followings apply.

  • Planned resource usage records generate actual resource usage records in activities that are changed into Approved status. Usage slips are generated in Actual type for inputs of Material and Material Class types.
  • You cannot add new resources and materials to the activities that are changed from Started into Approved.
  • Actual Input from Production slip is generated for outputs of Material, Material Class and Asset types in activities that are changed from Started to Completed status.
  • In activities that are changed from Completed to Started status, system gives warning for material slips of the outputs of Material, Material Class and Asset types. If confirmed, slips are deleted.
  • In activities that are changed from Approved or Started to Cancelled status, planned warehouse totals of the materials that are related to the activity are deleted, and actual slips' status info is updated as Cancelled.
  • In activities that are changed from Cancelled to the previous status, planned warehouse totals of the materials that are related to the activity are updated.

Operations Depending on Status Info

When status is Draft;
When activity's status info is Draft, you can make changes on all operations except for actualization information.
A schedule is made based on the planning for all resources and planned resource usage records are generated.
If target warehouse is specified or a warehouse is specified in the material line, the planned quantity of the relevant material, meaning the project inputs to be utilized, is displayed in that warehouse for the planned start date.
If source warehouse is specified or a warehouse is specified in the material line, the planned quantity of the relevant material, meaning the outputs to be produced, is displayed in that warehouse for the planned end date.
Planned start and end dates are related to the planned activity duration calculations. Below is explained how changing one affects the other.

  • When activity is added initially, and resources are not assigned yet, system calculates planned start and end date automatically. Accordingly, the related day's shift assignments and calendar of the relevant activity or project or the organizational unit performing the project are checked respectively in terms of their availability, so that it is checked whether system date is applicable. If system date is not applicable, the next applicable day is determined. Similarly, the first working hour of the relevant day becomes the planned start hour. End date is set to start day. End hour becomes the end hour of the same day. Work duration is also calculated automatically based on this information. For instance; if total working hours is 5 hours and daily working hours is 8 hours, 5/8 day working duration is found.
  • When planned start date / hour is updated initially:
    • The relevant start date is checked for availability. See. Project and Activity Planning
    • If it is not a workday, the next and the previous day are recommended. One of these dates is selected or the operation is cancelled. If the selected day is a workday, or if the recommended day is selected, planned start hour info is updated as the start hour of that day. The same rule applies for changing planned start hour. If the planned start date / hour is applicable or one of the recommended hours is selected, activity duration info is read from work parameters, converted into hour, and then the planned end date and hour are updated accordingly.
    • If the planned end date / hour is changed before the planned start date / hour, planned start date and hour cannot be changed. Activity duration is updated by determining available working time based on the planning between start and end time info.
    • If activity duration is changed before the planned start date / hour, planned end date / hour is updated.
  • When planned end date / hour is updated initially:
    • The relevant end date is checked for availability. See. Project and Activity Planning
    • If it is not a workday, the next and the previous day are recommended, and end date is updated. The same rule applies for changing planned end hour. Planned start date and hour is calculated by subtracting activity duration from planned end date / hour and is updated automatically.
    • If the planned start date / hour is changed before the planned end date / hour, activity duration is recalculated.
    • If activity duration is changed before the planned end date / hour, planned start date / hour is updated.
  • When activity duration is updated initially:
    • Planning is conducted until working duration is up as of the planned start date and hour, and the planned end date / hour is updated.
    • If the planned start date / hour is changed before activity duration, planned end date / hour is updated.
    • If the planned end date / hour is changed before activity duration, planned start date / hour is updated.

When calendar or shift information is changed, activity planned start date and hour and the planned duration are assumed fixed and system re-schedules. To do so, the Project must be saved first, and then Re-plan option located in F9 – right click menu must be selected.
When previous activities are changed, and activity is saved, activity start date is re-calculated according to the planning procedures and planned records are updated after re-planning.
When resources are changed, and Resources window is closed, activity start date and hour are re-planned assuming that planned duration is fixed.
When materials are changed, and Materials window is closed, the related materials' planned quantities in Warehouse Totals are updated.
When work parameters are changed, planned start and end dates are assumed fixed and work duration in-between is re-calculated. This change applies to the planned duration of the project.

When status info is Approved:
When status is Approved, you cannot make changes in General Info and Previous Activities tabs. You can only add and record materials of Input and Output types in Attached Records menu > Materials window.
You can also make resource entry and record planned resource usages in Resources window.

When status info is Started:
When status is Started, you can change Actual Date and Duration information in Activity window > General Info tab.
You can only add and change materials of Input and Output types in Attached Records menu > Materials window. However, the following rules apply to change materials.

  • There shouldn't be a demand transaction generated for materials of Input type; and if there is, the status must be Draft.
  • There shouldn't be a material transaction associated with the project and activity to which the materials of Input and Output types are related.

In order to update or delete an existing resource definition in Attached Records > Resources window, the relevant definition cannot have any Actual Resource Usage record. If a resource is deleted, its planned resource usage record in the related project is also deleted. If there is a record of employee or asset type, resource usage records of these cards are deleted as well.
If a new resource definition is added to the activities in Started status, planned and actual resource usage records are generated for the resource. Project start date and hour information is entered for the newly added resources. After saving the activity, planned actualization information of the resources, hence the activity, are recalculated.

  • Depending on whether the resources are determinant of planning, Continuation Date is specified to maintain the Project along with the newly added resources.
  • Planned duration of the Project that is calculated earlier is assumed fixed and the period elapsed up to the Continuation Date is deducted from the Project Duration and the remaining duration is calculated.
  • The number of resources specified as "Decreases Activity Duration" and the newly added resources are determined, and the remaining duration is divided in half. It gives the required duration of work. Planned work records of all resources are updated by re-planning. Activity actualization end date, hour and duration are also updated.
  • If there are "Draft" or "Approved" activities following this activity, these activities are re-planned according to the related activity's actual end date. The planned dates, planned resource usage records of the related resources and planned material transactions are also updated.
  • If cost information is changed, costing operation must be run again.

If End Date and Hour info is entered after adding the stop record in Attached Records > Stop Transactions, the related stop range is considered and then duration is re-planned. Estimated actualization durations of all resources are updated. Re-plan option is used to update. If a stop record is entered for an indefinite period, activity status information is updated as Stopped. An existing stop record can be deleted. In this case, Re-plan option is used to calculate estimated actualization durations of the resources that were idle previously by considering the resources that are added to the project afterwards. If there are "Draft" or "Approved" activities following this activity, these activities are re-planned according to the related activity's actual end date. Planned dates, planned resource usage records of the related resources and planned material transactions are also updated.

When status info is Stopped:
When activity status is Stopped, you can only make changes in Payments and Penalty Operations and Notes tabs. You cannot change or delete an existing resource definition in Attached Records > Resources. However, you can add new resource definitions and specify project start date and hour for these resources. You can also enter actual resource usage record.
You cannot make any changes Shifts and Materials windows.
In Stop Transactions, you can delete stop transactions of which Start Date info is not specified, and you can enter End Date and Hour. If end date and hour are specified, the relevant stop range is considered and it is re-planned. Consequently, all resources' planned durations are updated.
While updating, there may be "Draft" or "Approved" activities that are following the activity added newly to the resources. If new resources are added to these activities during the actual stop time of the related activity, then project start dates of the newly added resources are re-planned as of the stop transaction's end date and hour depending on whether they are a determinant of planning or they decrease activity duration.
However, before determining Continuation Date and remaining durations, planned durations of the resources that appear to be working within the stop range are updated. If there are "Draft" or "Approved" activities following this activity, these activities are re-planned according to the related activity's actual end date. Planned dates, planned resource usage records of the related resources and planned material transactions are also updated.

When status info is Completed:
If activity status is Completed, you can make changes only in Payments and Penalty Operations and Notes tabs.
You can make changes in realization info and actual material transactions of the resources. When you modify resources' actual information, only activity dates and durations are updated.
When status info is Cancelled:
If activity status is Cancelled, you cannot make changes in General Info and Previous Activities tabs and in attached records.