You can link contracts to activities that are entered over the Projects and you can calculate progress payments over the activities. To calculate subcontractor progress payments, you need to link contracts over the activities. You can designate contract information that you want to link to the activity under the Contract Info tab in Project Activity window. You can link a different contract to each project activity. A contract can be used in multiple activities.

Contract No

This field opens Contract Transactions window where you can select from the Purchase Contracts in approved status.

Contract Line Type

Contract line type is assigned automatically after selecting the contract number.

Material Code

Material information that is selected in the Contract line.

Unit Price

Unit price information that is selected in the Contract line.


The amount of the Contract line.

Amount (RC)

The amount of the Contract in reporting currency.

Supplier Code

Contract's supplier information.

Supplier Code / Title

Supplier Code and Title fields indicate the AR/AP record that is designated in General Info tab of the Contract.

  • After linking the contract to the activity, click "Calculate Subcontractor Progress Payment" option in right click menu (F9) of the Projects browser to calculate subcontractor progress payments. This option opens the Progress Payment window.
  • Progress Payment Type will be Subcontractor by default in Progress Payment window and it cannot be changed. Project Code and Description information is also transferred automatically, and it cannot be changed.
  • The selected progress payment line must be approved for "Generate Progress Payment Invoice" option to be active in right click menu (F9) of the Progress Payments browser.
  • If service information is entered in Related Service section under the General Info tab of the Contract which has been linked to the activity, program generates Service Purchase Invoice. If no information is entered, program gives "Progress Payment could not be billed. No service card definition could be found in the Contract," warning.
  • Contract number opens Purchase Contracts browser. It lists the contracts that are linked to the Project activities.
  • If Use Actual Info is selected in "In Calculation of Progress Payment Production Totals" parameter line in System Settings > Project Defaults and Parameters, Calculate Progress Payment operation calculates progress payments by taking into consideration the unit price of the first contract line that is linked to the activities in Construction Diary. If Use Quantity Info is selected in parameter line, progress payments are calculated by taking into consideration the unit prices of the activity and contract transaction lines that are added to the Construction Diary. In Progress Payment Summary tab, the total of the parent activities of the sub-activities that are used in the Construction Diary lines is listed and it is calculated independently of the contract lines.
  • The progress payment production amount of the parent activity is the total of progress payments of the sub-activities. If there are sub-activities that have not been linked to a contract line, the progress payment of the sub-activity is calculated based on the contract information of the parent activity.
  • When clicked on Generate Progress Payment Invoice in right click (F9) menu of the Progress Payments browser, program generates a Service Purchase Invoice automatically for the related subcontractor and the invoice appears on screen in case of needing to apply changes.