Brands which are used in material and asset definitions are defined using the Brands option. It is located under the System Settings module > Definitions > Trading System menu.
Brand information is recorded using the "New" option in the Brands browser.
Code: The record code of brand. The Code field is mandatory.
Description: The definition or description of the brand.
Auxiliary Code: The auxiliary code of the brand. It is used to group brand records by company criteria. Auxiliary code can be used as a filter in the reports.
Authorization Code: The authorization code of the brand. It is used to define authorizations for each record. Only the user with the authorization code specified here can process the slip type.

Brand Models
Model definitions are recorded for each brand separately. The "Models" option located under the Attached Records menu in the Brands browser is used to define models. Model information is recorded by using the "New" option.
Code: The record code of model The Code field is mandatory.
Description: The definition or description of the model.