This is a batch operation reporting actual usage entries of project activity resources (such as personnel, assets etc.) daily. It is located under the Operations menu of Project Management module.
You can set filters to designate planned and actual resource usage entries of the required project or resources.
The filter options are:

Date Range

Start - End Date

Project Status

All / Draft / Approved / Started / Stopped / Completed

Project Code

Group / Range

Project Description

Group / Range


Employee / Asset / Outsourced Employee / Outsourced Asset / Temporary Employee / Temporary Asset

Employee No

Group / Range

Employee Name

Group / Range

Employee Surname

Group / Range

Fixed Asset Code

Group / Range

Fixed Asset Description

Group / Range

Outsourced Employee Code

Group / Range

Outsourced Employee Name

Group / Range

Outsourced Asset Code

Group / Range

Outsourced Asset Description

Group / Range

Temporary Employee Code

Group / Range

Temporary Employee Name

Group / Range

Temporary Asset Code

Group / Range

Temporary Asset Description

Group / Range

Resource Usage Entry

All / Actual / Planned

Listing Method

By Resources / By Activities

After applying the filters, Batch Resource Usage Entry window opens with two panes. Resources are listed on the left based on your selection in Listing Method filter. If you select "By Activities" in filter line, it lists project and activities primarily and Resources secondarily. If you select "By Resources" in filter line, it lists resources primarily and the related project and activities secondarily.
Records are listed on the right pane based on your selection in Resource Usage Entry filter. This filter determines the type of resource usage entry. If you select "All", both planned and actual resources and activities are listed. If you select "Planned", program lists activity resources for which planned value entry can be made in line with the activity status.
Activity statuses that will be checked are as below:
If status is Started, you can enter actual resource usage quantity.
If status is Completed, you can enter actual resource usage quantity.
If status is Stopped, you can enter actual resource usage quantity.
If status is Cancelled, you cannot make any entries.
After making entries for each resource, click Apply to apply changes.