Using the Batch Generation of Purchase Orders option, orders are given to the plants for materials that fall below the minimum inventory levels in the warehouses. This option is located under the Operations menu of the Purchasing module. The materials to be ordered are specified in the Batch Generation of Order Slips filter lines. The filter options are:




Date selection


Commercial Good / Deposit Item / Asset / Raw Material /Semi Finished Good / Finished Good / Consumer Good / Service / Assorted / Service / Material Set

ABC Code

  • / A / B / C

Material /Service Code

Group / Range

Material /Service Description

Group / Range

Material /Service Aux. Code

Group / Range

Material /Service Auth. Code

Group / Range

Material /Service Group Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Code

Class Code entry or selection


Yes / No

Variant Code

Group / Range

Variant Description

Group / Range

Variant Aux. Code

Group / Range

Unit Set Code

Group / Range

Material Tracking Method

No Tracking / Lot / Serial

Location Tracking

Checked / Not Checked

Order Quantity

By Maximum Inventory Level / By Safety Inventory Level / By Maximum Inventory Level / By Reorder Inventory Level

Undelivered Orders

Yes / No


Defined warehouses

Once the related filters are entered and the Next option is clicked, a window opens where orders by warehouse will be generated. The batch order generation window consists of two main panes. The left pane displays the material warehouse info.
The batch order slips are individually generated for the materials within each warehouse. First the related warehouse is selected Materials defined according to material and date filters for which a purchase order will be generated are listed with Material Code, Description, Unit, Minimum and Maximum Inventory Levels, Physical Inventory, Order Quantity, AR/AP Code and description information. The Main Unit of the Unit Set specified in the record is inserted as default in the Unit field. However, the order can also be placed using the other units.
The Physical Inventory of the warehouse at the specified date is taken into consideration when the materials to be ordered are listed. Minimum and maximum inventory levels are the quantities entered with the warehouse parameters option on the related material card. Physical Inventory is the actual material quantity in the selected warehouse.
The order quantity is calculated by the application by processing the maximum inventory and physical inventory quantities.
The AR/AP code and description of the order are recorded in the AR/AP Code and Title fields.
The "Generate Slip" option is used to automatically generate purchase order slips with deliverable approval status. If the AR/AP Material Consistency control is performed, the control is conducted by the application with the control method specified during slip generation. Generated slips are displayed on the Purchase Orders list located under the Transactions menu of the Purchasing section.