The following information is recorded on the Bank Slip Analysis Details window:
Account: The options are Main Account and Corresponding Account. According to user's selection in this field, analysis details are saved either for the main account or the corresponding account, and they are reflected to the slip lines of G/L slip which is generated in relation to the source slip.
Analysis Dimension Code: Indicates the analysis dimension of the bank slip line. Analysis dimension definitions are listed and the related definition is selected, or a new definition is recorded. Analysis dimensions are recorded using the Analysis Dimensions option located under the Definitions menu of the System Settings section.
Description: The description of the analysis dimension. When the Code field is filled in, the description is transferred into this field. Analysis dimensions can also be listed and selected on this field.
Project Code: The project code related to the transactions recorded with the bank slip. Recorded project cards are listed and the related definition is selected.
Project Activity Code: This field is used to specify the project activity to which the transactions saved with the bank slips are related. Recorded project activities are listed and the related definition is selected.
Distribution Rate: The distribution rate of transactions to be recorded with the bank slip to analysis dimensions and/or projects.
Amount: The distribution amount calculated by processing the distribution rate and the bank amount.
Amount (RC): The distribution amount calculated in reporting currency by processing the distribution rate and the bank amount.
Amount (TC): The distribution amount calculated in transaction currency by processing the distribution rate and the bank amount.
The Notes field of the bank slip is used to record related notes.