This report option prints monthly debt, credit, balance and cumulative balance totals of the relevant bank account for the specified date range.
If "Transferred Balances" filter is selected as "Print", total balance amount belonging to the previous period before the start date entered in Date Range filter is printed as a separate line.
Depending on "Amounts" filter value, totals in total tables are displayed in local currency or reporting currency.
Depending on "Period" filter value, periods within the specified date range's start and end dates are determined. When month value is entered in "Period" filter, period values are determined in "Month Year" format. When a week value is entered, period are listed in "Day.Month.Year" (date info regarding the first day of the week) "Day.Month.Year" (date info regarding the last day of the week) format, and when a day value is entered, periods are listed in "Day.Month.Year.Day Name" format.
After running the reports and displaying records, Outstanding Annual Balance line is displayed while carrying forward to the next fiscal year. Outstanding Annual Balance expression appears in period column of the line. In Balance column, outstanding (transferred) balance value is displayed.
The filter options of Bank Account Statement report are:



Bank Code

Group / Range

Bank Name

Group / Range


Active / Inactive

Bank Account Code

Group / Range

Account No

Group / Range

Account Name

Group / Range

Bank Account Type

Current Account / Notes at Collection / Clearing Checks / Checks Issued / Colleteral P. Notes / Colleteral Checks / Loan Against P. Note / Loan Against Check / General Loan / Credit Card / Time Deposit / Investment / Store Card



Auxiliary Code

Group / Range

Authorization Code

Group / Range

Date Range

Start / End


Month / Week / Day


Local Currency / Reporting Currency

Organizational Unit

Group / Range

Outstanding Balances

Print / Do not print