Materials and services, which are required to realize the activity and outputs that will be acquired once the activity is completed are recorded with Materials option that is in Project Activity > Attached Records menu.
When you click Materials option, you will see two sections named Input and Output in Materials definition window.

Materials, services, assets, which are required to realize the activity, are entered under Input section. The following information is entered.


The input type that is required for the activity is selected. The options are:

  • Material
  • Service
  • Asset
  • Material Class
  • Material Set
  • Temporary Material
  • Temporary Service


The code of the input material/material class/service or asset. Browse (...) button opens the relevant definitions browser where you can make a selection.


The description of the input material/material class/service or asset. After entering Code field, the relevant definition's description is transferred to this field.

Variant Code

Variant code of the material that is selected in Type field is entered.

Variant Description

It is the variant description of the material that is selected in Type field.


It is the quantity of the material / service / asset that is required for the activity.


The unit in which the input material / service or asset will be processed is entered.


The warehouse where input material will be procured is specified.


It determines if the relevant input will affect project costs. If so, this box is checked.

Unit Cost (LC)

The unit cost in local currency.

Unit Cost (RC)

The unit cost in reporting currency.

RC Exchange Rate

The exchange rate of reporting currency. RC exchange rate of the slip date is transferred from Daily Exchange Rate table. It can be changed if necessary.

Planned Cost (LC)

Planned cost amount in local currency is calculated by the application.

Planned Cost (RC)

Planned cost amount in reporting currency is calculated by the application.

Line Description

Activity line description is entered for inputs of Material type.

Output of activities are saved in Output section.


The output type that will be acquired at the end of the activity is selected. The options are:

  • Material
  • Service
  • Asset
  • Material Class
  • Temporary Material
  • Temporary Service


The code of the output material/material class/service or asset. Browse (...) button opens the relevant definitions browser where you can make a selection.


The description of the output material/material class/service or asset. After entering Code field, the relevant definition's description is transferred to this field.

Variant Code

Variant code of the material that is selected in Type field is entered.

Variant Description

It is the variant description of the material that is selected in Type field.


It is the quantity of the material / service / asset that will be acquired at the end of the activity.


The unit in which the output material / service or asset will be acquired.


The warehouse where input material will be procured is specified.

Cost Factor

Cost factor is specified in case of using Cost Accounting.

Line Description

Activity line description is entered for outputs of Material type.