General information of the project activity is recorded under General tab.


The code of the activity definition is entered. It is a mandatory field. If it is a sub activity, the code of the parent activity is shown in the field by default.


The name of description of the activity is entered.

Authorization Code

It is used for detailed authorization definition. It is a field of 10-character long. Each user can use different records depending on their job definition. Authorization Code allows users access to the records on project basis.

Auxiliary Code

It is a secondary coding group that is used to group the activities. It is an alphanumeric field of 10-character long. It is used by users to group activities by company-specific criteria.

Work Group

Work group of the activity is selected. This field opens Work Groups browser where you can select the relevant group or make a new one. See. Work Groups


Work place where activity will be conducted is entered. Location info is entered by the user.

Phase Number

Activity phase number is entered. It determines the relevant phase of the project in which this activity will be conducted.

Completion Rate

It is the completion rate of the activity. Completion rate is significant in case the project consists of multiple activities and the other activities depend on the completion of this step.


It is the priority of the project activity. The options are Low, Normal, High, Very High and Urgent.


Employee, who is responsible of the activity, is entered. This field opens Employees browser where you can select the relevant employee card. If you want to assign the employee in charge of the activity as the resource as well, go to System Settings > Project Defaults and Parameters and approve "Add Activity Managers to Resources Automatically" parameter by selecting Yes option.

Organizational Unit

Organizational Unit to which the activity is related is entered. This field opens Organizational Unit Definitions browser where you can select the relevant unit.


This field is active when The Calendar is Related to Project option is not checked. You can select a Calendar for the activity apart from the project calendar.

The Calendar is Related to Project

When it is checked, calendar information that is specified in the project template is assigned to the project activities. If not, a calendar is selected from Calendars browser.

Limitation Type

There may be temporal limitations in project activities. Activities are scheduled according to these restrictions when creating a time schedule and project plan. See. Temporal Restrictions in Project Activities

Limitation Date and Hour

Limitation date and hour is entered in these fields according to the Limitation Type. When any changes are applied to the Actual or Planned Dates of the activity, system gives warning depending on the limitation date and hours. See. Temporal Restrictions in Project Activities


In order to determine the stages of the project and calculate progress payments in the related stages, some of the activities must be specified as milestone. If checked, activity is shown with a separate character in Gantt schema.

End Date of an activity that is checked as Milestone is updated the same as the Start Date, and Activity Duration is shown as zero. If required, activity duration can be changed.

Planned and Actual Dates

Actual and planned start / end dates of the activity are entered in Start and End Date/Time field. When Activity Status is changed to Started and Completed in Change Status field, the specified Actual Start/End date and hours updates this information.

Activity Duration

Activity duration is entered in hour, day, week or month.

Work Definition Price

You can make price definitions by selecting Work Definition when adding project activities.

Work Definition

By selecting work definition in the project, work definition price is calculated according to the contract quantity and percentage of each work definition.
See. Work Definitions


Unit that is specified in the work definition is assigned automatically. It can be changed if needed.


Quantity that is specified in the work definition is assigned automatically. It can be changed if needed.

Profit Rate

Profit rate that is specified in the work definition is assigned automatically. It can be changed if needed. You can also record profit rate in activity aside from the work definition, and it can be changed in the activity record.

Profitless Unit Price

Profitless unit price, which is calculated in work definition, is assigned automatically. It can be changed if needed.

Profitable Unit Price

Profitable unit price is calculated according to the profit rate information in percentage.

Contract Percentage

It is the percentage value of the work definition in the contract. When the type of the proposal that is related to the project is "Proposal Unit Price", contract percentage appears as non-editable.


It is acquired by multiplying the Contract Percentage by the Contract Amount. For example, activity amount may be 10% of the contract. So that system calculates 10% of the contract and show the result in Amount field.

Contract Amount

The amount of the contract that is related to the project or the activity.