New Features

Key Product Public Description


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Barcode-1 field is generated automatically when opening a new inventory card according to the definitions specified in the parameter with the Generate Automatic Barcode-1 option added to the Barcode Parameters screen. It has been ensured that the bar code number in line is displayed with the plus button added to the Barcode-1, Barcode-2, Barcode-3 fields on the Inventory Card Records screen.
Click here for the video related to the article.|]


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The "Split e-Ledger Manually" authorization has been added to SSO authorization.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The "Nearest Month" option has been added to the "Number of Months to Return in Return Calculation" parameter on "Finished Goods Main Group Records" screen. When this option is selected, the first value with an average cost in the return cost will be considered.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The Polish currency Zloti has been supported on the Define Currency Names screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the company name that is debited in the Fixture Delivery/Transfer printing is printed through the info on the Company General Info screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to print the Code-1, Code-2, Code-3 values and descriptions in the Custody Start Date and Fixture Info card in the fixture delivery/transfer form.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the rate can be changed in any line after defining the distribution table rate total to be "100".


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The "WITH (NOLOCK)" expression has been added to the "TBLSTOKPH" table query performed in the MRP Run operation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The IP information displayed on the active user screen on Sso has been supported for users on Wings.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the status of e-Invoice and e-Dispatch taxpayers is checked parametrically during document posting. Two parameters have been added to the e-Invoice parameters: "Check Taxpayer During E-Invoice Entry" and "Check Taxpayer During E-Invoice Entry".
Click here for the video related to the article.|]


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the G/L journal slip is generated as soon as the purchase receipt is saved with the OK button when selecting the "Assign General Ledger Slip in Dispatch Record" option added to the purchase invoice parameters.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Renumber by Date" and "Slip Number Change" operations cannot be performed when selecting the Do Not Perform Operations in e-Ledger Sending Month parameter.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the issue transaction for the inventory code in the customer order item is displayed as the "Loading Date" in the order in the Inventory Report with Running Balance.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that this information is displayed in the ordereference tags in the item lines when the order number is displayed from different fields such as "Additional Area" or "Line Descriptions" in the printing of non-related e-Invoices Order.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the definition can be made for the Product Configuration Definitions screen on the Field Table Matching screen.
Click here for the video related to the article.|]


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The discount info (disc1,disc2,disc3) has been supported on the "Batch Item Update" screen in purchase invoice, Dispatch, Order transactions.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The "Field to Add Goods and Service Name" field has been added to Deductible VAT List Parameters\General tab. It has been ensured that the type of goods is retrieved from a field specified in the inventory card in the Deductible VAT list and grouped by Uo M with this field.
Click here for the video related to the article.|]


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The "QR Code" has been supported for the documents issued in e-Document applications dated 01.09.2023. Some updates have been made in the embedded design and default XSLT documents.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The amount column width has been increased to display the entire amount value in the Amount column in the general statement record grid area.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The "Distribute Additional Costs to Items" parameter on batch e-Archive Generation screen has been supported to be active only when the document type is selected as "Display Foreign Invoices" parameter.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to generate invoices and dispatches in batch from the Customer and vendor orders.
Click here for the video related to the article.|]


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the interest value entered in the daily depreciation calculation is reflected in the monthly depreciation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to support the "Cost Update" screen in the Generate Stock Cost operation in the non-branch companies.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Two new methods, SetChecked and GetChecked, have been defined for CheckListBox object types. ClSubeler.SetChecked 1 can be changed to true in checklistbox 2. checkbox in checked.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Azerbaijan New Manat (AZN) exchange rate info is also displayed in the Retrieve Exchange Rate Info from Netsis operation. It has been ensured that the South Korean Won and Bae Dirham info are also given in the same transaction.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Receipt Number, Receipt Serial and Slip Number info entered on the Receipt Records screen in the import Expense is automatically displayed in the Description field.
Click here for the video related to the article.|]


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the information written in the description of the first line entered on the Import Expense Receipt Records screen is automatically copied to the other line descriptions.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The Seller Code is supported on the Import Expense Receipt Records screen.
Click here for the video related to the article.|]


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

A performance improvement has been made to display the "Configuration Description" field when the Flexible Configuration application is active.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The User-defined/editable view option has been added to "Electronic Audit Report". The "USE BY" view query added to the database can be edited and used for auditing.
Click here for the video related to the article.|]


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

e-Invoice Envelope Storage Arrangements
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Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

A new parameter has been added to the inventory parameters screen called "Perform negative balance control in delete/edit operations in input transactions". It has been ensured that a negative balance control is performed in the deletion and editing operations by considering this parameter in the "Negative Balance Control" and "Stop Operation on Negative Balance" parameters on the production parameters.
Click here for the video related to the article.|]


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Selection Number has been exceeded please narrow down selection range" warning is not given when Selecting Batch for the Account Code in withholding declaration parameters.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that internal/external audits that enterprises perform on their own processes or audits to their vendors are recorded and tracked on Netsis.
Click here for the video related to the article.|]


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Scroll has been added to the message screen to see the complete warning message received on the Invoice, order, request, proposal, dispatch screens and it has been ensured to copy with right click.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some performance improvements have been made to clear the form data when clicking the "Add Record" button in the upper menu while focusing on a record in Stock Card Records.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to update the e-Invoice package dated 28.07.2023.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Marketplace Integration - Some improvements have been made for using Azerbaijan address information and sending e-Document Number and Date info to the marketplace.


Key Product Public Description


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Instant e-Document Sending" field on the Sales Invoice Totals tab can be closed with Form Based Security.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The exchange rate difference records are transferred to the new year company with the same values in the AR/AP Transfer by Aging operation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Updating Baseset Version Info" warning is not displayed in the Update Approved Version operation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Query Update Condition During Transition to Items query is displayed and the items are updated according to the newly selected condition after entering the item in the invoice and returning to the condition code page and changing the condition code.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the debt foot of the journal slip is not cumulatively generated when the "There is Currency Application" is not selected in the Debt Check Parameters in the Debt Check record transferred with NetOpenX.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the records entered through the "Credit" tab of the Safe Deposit records are displayed on the grid when the "G/L Integrated" parameter is not checked.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the decimal settings of the Close AR/AP/Currency Differences operation are retrieved from the decimal definition defined for this transaction.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to record through the Safe Deposit Issue Records when the "G/L Integrated" parameter is unavailable.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been corrected that the cost values are not generated correctly in FIFO Cost Calculation operation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the inventory transfer is performed without the "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value Z to data type int" warning in the inventory transfer without serial operation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the order number info in the TBLCEKILIST table is updated when changing the number of the customer order generated when the Foreign Trade Process starts from the order and the "Generate Pre-check list of order" is checked in the parameters.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that no deletion is performed for the closed invoices that are paid/collected. The payment/collection transaction must be deleted first for the deletion.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "There is a work order" warning is not displayed when there is no balance in the warehouse when it is requested to dispatch the order related to the work order, and the warehouse code cannot be changed after the document becomes an incomplete document.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "No tag number found" warning is not displayed when calling the dispatch with the Display Document through the header screen of the wholesale market sales dispatches, and billing it partially.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some improvements have been made to calculate the "Non-deductible Expense" amount correctly in the transition to year 2 while the previous pro rata depreciation application is active.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the change is made in printing when changing the description 1 info in the Safe Deposit Slip Printing operation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the standard guide columns are not changed on the Guide Customization screens and a warning message is displayed when any changes are made to the standard columns.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the quantities of the dispatch document are generated correctly in the inventory transactions when the line added to the grid on the Purchase Invoice " Items" tab is called again through the grid and linked to the dispatch document.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the quantity value is calculated correctly when switching tabs on the items in the Order Related Dispatch document while using the Size application.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some improvements have been made for the correct display of quantity when a reservation is made again after "Reservation Cancellation" on the Create Finished Goods Reservation screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to transfer to Netsis according to the value in the "Received/Sent (0/1)" field in the Transfer from Excel operation on the Customer/Bank Transfer/EFT Records screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The maximum value of the "Order No" limit in the SQL query for the distribution table has been increased when the transaction "Order No" restriction is not given while generating the distribution slip.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "check bank code" field on the "Define Bank by F.Currency" tab is selected in the directory when getting the Debt AR/AP Payment Order Generation screen with a breakdown according to the currency type.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that this value is displayed in the "TBLCABNKSABIT" table "BACKUP3" field when the Currency Type is "0" on the AR/AP Bank Records screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "IBAN" field is also updated when updating the creditor AR/AP info on the Generate Payment Order screen and right-clicking the Display Default Account Info button.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some improvements have been made not to display the "ORA-00907: Missing Right Bracket(NetsisORA-907)" warning in the "User E-Mail Definitions" report when using the Oracle database.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the row total with 100% discount is displayed as "0" when a draft is created as TRY e-Invoice with an item with a 100% discount.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

When saving a saved General Receipt Record again, "ORA-12899: value ""TBLDEKOTRAEK"." Some improvements have been made not to display the "ARACIKIMLIKVERGI_NO" column is too large (original: 29, maximum: 15)" warning.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Total Cost value is also displayed when positioning the Total Cost column in a different column order in the grid of the Free Production End Record screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the inventory items are not printed consecutively on the pages when the e-Invoice generated after the draft in a multi-item e-Invoice document are transferred to Pdf and displayed.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been corrected that the records are duplicated in the Form Based Data Visualization grid when there are the same INCKEYNO values in the "TBLDWGORSE"L and "TBLRAPORTASLAK" tables.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the currency type field is displayed correctly if the TRY price of the AR/AP defined price group is defined when ordering the purchase request in foreign currency.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been blocked to record the "Transfer" transaction through Inventory Transaction Records screen when selecting the "General Lock" option on the Inventory Planning Records screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been corrected to display the Field SATICI_KOD Not Found warning when it is requested to edit and save information on the "Check" tab of the Generate Payment Order screen


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been corrected that the parameter that should be selected does not appear selected when the Serial Parameters screen is closed and reopened after checking and recording the Calculate Expiry Date by Risk Duration parameter on the Serial Parameters screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the amount in foreign currency is seen in the journal slip in the "Safe Deposit In Foreign Currency Transfer" operation with NetOpenX.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "BALANCE : Field Column1 not found" warning is not displayed when the inventory is displayed on the grid on the Inventory Counting Entry screen when the detailed counting system is not used.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The column arrangements stored in the grid field with Keep View are displayed with the view stored when the screen is closed and opened on the Purchase Request Ordering tab.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that it is reflected in the same way to the bank transactions and safe deposit grid when changing the bank description field on the "Bank" tab in the Safe Deposit records.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Quick Collection Record screen is not displayed when entering the various types of purchase invoice when selecting the "Display Payment Screen in Various Invoice" parameter.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that this order is not displayed in the order directory in the work orders after exceeding the order quantity when generating multiple work orders with the same quantity and less than the order quantity on the Work Order screen while selecting the "Allow Extra Quantity in Production" parameter and "Work Order Related to Order" parameter.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the document can be accessed with the link feature used through Document No in the report results when selecting document no and date on the "Sorting" tab of the Invoice Dispatch extract report.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that multiple users cannot use the same number on the General Statement Record screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some improvements have been made not to display in the report when the redeemed fixture is transferred if the "Do Not Display Transferred Fixtures" and "Print Redeemed Fixtures" is checked by specifying the Company Code range in the Depreciation and Depreciation report.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to update the Bank Transfer Approval column on the screen when performing the Bank Transfer Approval operation according to report code on the Generate Payment Order screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the value before the comma is 0 for numbers less than 1 in the items when a draft is created without selecting a design.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Serial No Info Is Missing" warning is not displayed during the transfer from Excel on the Inventory Counting Entry screen although the serial tracking is off.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that bank account records waiting for approval are listed on the "Bank Account Records" tab on the Close Incomplete Works screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Account Cut" and Last Payment dates are generated correctly for the card used when specifying the Extract Date of the transaction with the Company Credit Card.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the previous period data is displayed in the Periodic Operating Income Table.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Grid and AR/AP code selection sections can be used after the transfer of AR/AP Contact Info operation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the same series is not displayed in different documents although the Make Serial As Single By Inventory parameter is checked on the Serial Parameters screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Incorrect syntax near the keyword AND warning is not given when filtering in the "TYPE" field in the Deductible VAT List parameters Invoice tab.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the balance of the currency type selected in the AR/AP transaction except "TRY" can be monitored on the AR/AP Transaction Records screen for AR/AP which has a different currency type than zero in the AR/AP card.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some improvements have been made for the information in the e-mail and notification of the deleted maintenance request from the Maintenance Request Records screen to belong to the deleted document.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the participant is not returned to the number field if the number is not used in another branch when changing the Receipt No field on the General Receipt Record screen and saving it.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to save the values entered in the "Bağkur" field in the e-Producer Grand Total section manually.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "negative balance" warning is not displayed when the quantity is over ten on the Finished Goods Parting screen and the parting is performed for the Serialized Finished Goods.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been corrected that duplicate sending is performed when sending "E-Mail" on the AR/AP Contact Info screen for Purchase Request and Sales Request is selected.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some improvements have been made to avoid the "Saving statement could not be completed" warning in Copy Statement operation on set 9.0.48.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the related slip record is not deleted although the "Date Lock" warning is given when canceling the journal voucher.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the G/L slip does not balance in the fixture integration.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the field DATE not found warning is not displayed during the general statement record.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to refresh the grid field on the "Work Order Constant" and "Item Info" tabs when performing the Generate Work Order on BOM operation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that no blank item line is displayed when the document is called again after deleting and posting the item in a document saved on the Order and Invoice screens on set 9.0.49.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The Line Some Security parameter can be selected in the Security Application field on the Company/Branch Parameter Definitions screen on the SQL Server 2022 server.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the operation is completed after selecting the "Exception Code" when it is requested to bill the export registered dispatch on the totals.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the field 'Fat_Altm1' not found warning is not displayed when getting a report for the Producer AR/AP when selecting "Invoice Detail" and "Invoice Detail in Same Line" in the AR/AP Transaction List.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the detailed information such as Inventory Code and Inventory Name are displayed when selecting "Invoice Detail" and "Invoice Detail in Same Line" in the AR/AP Transaction List report.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Fixture Revaluation info is copied to the new company after copying company in fixture.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the employee registration code that is not displayed in the Expense Form "Employee Code" lookup cannot be written manually.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been blocked to display the invalid or incompatible with argument warning when performing the "RegKontrol" operation on the clients in version updates.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that a payment record can be generated for multiple credit cards on the Company Credit Card screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the records entered before the set in the "TBLKRTODEMETRADETMAS" table are not duplicated when deleting Cumleupdate50 and running DbUpdate.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Column Some Security Warnings Error Description field 'Column Based Validity Values....' is displayed as ...


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some arrangements have been made for the size of the frame code in the Pdf file generated when the Karecode is received as Pdf in e-Documents and sent as e-mail.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Withholding Tax Declaration "2023 Minimum Wage Exception Income Tax" and "Stamp Tax" amounts are reorganized as of July 2023.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

When asked to display an e-Dispatch draft in data with a set Oracle database, the user said, "An unexpected file end occurred. It has been ensured that the Unexpected end of file has occurreded" warning is not given.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the log trigger warning is not displayed during the posting and update operations when using the Log Application in the Oracle database.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to display when adding a square code in e-Document design design environment.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "is not a valid floating pointing value" warning is not displayed when entering the exchange rate info in bank arbitrage records as 4 digits before the comma.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the QR codes are printed in the document when selecting and printing multiple invoices on the Drafts tab of the Wings application.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that line based deduction is calculated because the "Invoice Sub Limit" is defined in the sales parameters and the item quantity is "0" in the invoice.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to print in the correct measurements when getting the Karekod as Pdf in the received e-Documents and printing in batch e-invoice printing screen with the Print as Pdf option.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "ambiguous column name DATE" warning is not displayed when it is requested to close with the "Record Date" on the Special Account Closing screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Unexpected end of file has occurred" warning is not given when the dispatch is displayed as draft in the data with the CLONE - 9049 Oracle database.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Inflation Adjustment operation works for the past months when using Special Period Accounting in Foreign Currency (FAS52).