New Features

Key Product Public Description


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The size of the company branch definitions on User Rights, Group Definitions, Copy User/Group Rights, User Entry Restriction screens has been expanded.
The Program Based Right Definition screen has been supported.
The User parameters that are no longer used in Basic Set and Fixtures have been removed.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The report screen has been developed to show the difference in BOM breakdowns by comparing the work order BOM and finished goods BOM if changes have been made on this screen when a bom is used by work order.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some improvements have been made to switch to the design selection tab after switching to design items.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

A new function has been added with the Copy Work Order name as the right click feature on the "Work Order Entry" screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Smart grid support is provided on the Fixed Information tab on the work order entry screen. In addition, if the Work Order Item Application parameter is checked in the production parameters the smart grid has been supported in both the header and the item information tabs on the work order entry screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The Description column has been added to the result preview page of the Work Order Parting screen, it has been ensured that the changes can be made by the user in the field where the description of the current work order will be automatically displayed.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the currency of BELARUSIAN RUSSIAN ROUBLE is defined as the currency type.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Lower Limit in Invoice" application is performed by the total amount of the lines subject to deduction while there is line based deduction application.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been corrected to display the "an error occurred in file writing operation" warning when Ephesus.exe is not opened as "Manager" in POS Sales Processing. It has been ensured that the Statu.dat file is written to the database.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the value of the selected element of the Listbox component can be reached in NDI. It is available with the Listbox1.PropertyValue("SelectedItem") code.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The warning message has been corrected for stocks without service stock. In addition, the parameter named "Display Account in G/L Detail Code" has been supported to be active when the service application is active in the purchase and sales parameters.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The warning message has been corrected for stocks without service stock. In addition, the parameter named "Display Account in G/L Detail Code" has been supported to be active when the service application is active in the purchase and sales parameters.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

"User Defined Fields" have been added to the Transfer from Excel template on AR/AP Records screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the order quantity for an order-related stock is displayed on the work order screen with a new custom parameter named URETIM\ISEMRIMIKTAR_SIPARISTEN on the Work Order Entry screen. It has been ensured that the order quantity is written to the work order quantity when selecting the order number manually or from lookup on the work order screen with this custom parameter.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Project Code" info in the order is automatically displayed in the Project Code field in the Work Order entry when selecting the inventory code and the order in the work order entry.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that line 61 in SSO Invoice module is changed to "Generate Slip from Loading Order".


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Transfer operation controls have been ensured.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the stock level information on the "Configuration Code Definitions" and "Configurable Product Entry" screens is calculated and displayed by the warehouse code. The custom parameter "STOK","YAPKOD_BAKIYE_DEPOBAZINDA" must be defined.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the general discount in the cigarette application is calculated on "Price-1" and "Price-4". 
The "Calculate VAT on Discounted Price" parameter has been added to the Cigarette Application in Integration Codes tab in the cigarette application. When this parameter is checked, a new custom parameter named FATURA\SIGARA_ISKFIYATLIKDV is added to the custom parameter list. When this parameter is checked, the VAT amount will be calculated on the discounted prices. This calculation applies to both the row and the general discount.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

An option has been added to query whether it is included in Form B during the Generate Fixture Receipt Record operation on the Fixture Info Card screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been supported to use Report Draft on the Form Based Data Visualization screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Netsis Link Support has been provided for Free Report Drafts.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The Work Order Item Printing option has been added to the right click options on the Work Order screen. It has been ensured to print the work order in the grid related to this option which is active when the Work Order Item Application is checked in the production parameters.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to search by the Program Name field on the User Rights screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the currency balances are displayed in the grand totals field on the AR/AP Transaction Records screen. The currency balances can be displayed according to the currency types of the relevant AR/AP in the field added with the Currency Selection name.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Table Valued Function can be used in free and visual reports.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Work Order Number field can be edited again without selecting the Stock Code when clicking the Stock Code field on the Work Order Entry screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

A performance improvement up to 20% has been made in the Generate Slip operation on the "Production End Record" and "Free Production End Record" screens.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The Transfer from Excel operation has been supported on the Fixture Info Card screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The Transfer from Excel operation has been supported in the fixture "Opening Amortization" screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The Transfer from Excel operation has been supported on the Fixture Revaluation Info screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The Transfer from Excel operation has been supported in the "Revaluation Rate Entry" screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Netsis Custom Parameter List has been updated.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

A performance improvement has been made for the "Batch Billing of Purchase Receipts" and "Batch Billing of Sales Dispatches" screens. The billing time of 200 dispatch documents with 100 items per document has been reduced from 49 minutes to around 28 minutes with improvement.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the marketplace parameters are stored in the XML file when performing the Keep/Load parameter operation and restored in the loading operation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some improvements have been made in Company to make multiple payments in the same month on the credit card payment records screen.
Click here for the video related to the article.|]


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to transfer record to the Password Verification, Marketplace Transfer, Send Brand and Send/Receive Order operations in Payer.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the warning messages received in the marketplace parameters are displayed to the user in Marketplace Integration.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the document is generated according to the order in the grid when performing the batch printing by checking the Print as PDF option on batch e-Invoice/e-Archive and e-Dispatch Printing screens.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The case sensitivity has been adjusted when searching for the character "I" in the general receipt record code lookup.


Key Product Public Description


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some improvements have been made for both General and Line Discount although there is only General Discount in the invoice when creating the Purchase Invoice through the received e-Invoice.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the interest amount is not entered as negative in the receipt record in the invoice record entered through the Leasing Payment Plan screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Foreign Trade> Beat in the dispatch document created during goods receipt when the Update Dispatch Additional Cost by Exchange Rate parameter is checked on the Import Parameters screen. It has been ensured that the additional cost TRY amount in the document is updated by recalculating the TRY amounts through the new exchange rate of the costs in the additional cost field of the dispatch if yes is selected for the "Update Rates" question asked when updating the base date field.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to display by the Inventory Parameters / Configuration Descriptions on the Instant Production Planning screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the invoices of which e-Archive is canceled are displayed in the list when querying by the "Invoice Date" in the e-Archive Outbox.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been corrected that as many records as the number of credit related checks are transferred to drawing account to which the Discount/Purchase Credit is related during bank transfer.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the balance of the stocks with negative balance is displayed correctly on the Inventory Counting Processing / Counting Tracking screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been corrected that the transactions are not transferred to the new year company when the Interest Processing/Closing is performed for the "Daily Profit Credit Account" opened in the former year company.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that only the first row of the "TBLTAHSILAT" table is transferred to the new year company in bank transfer when the same payment type is used more than once in the same document.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the delete button is active in the new year company and a reversing entry is allowed after the transfer for the Protested Promissory Note Receipt received from the bank in the former year company.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the description of the first slip is not displayed in the description of the safe deposit account when switching to "Single Safe Deposit" after Multiple Safe Deposit Entry on the "Invoice" tab in the safe deposit.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been blocked to display the field CODE not found warning when checking the "BOM Based Breakdown Display" parameter in detailed cost analysis report.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the aging is not applied if the "Local Currency Type" is filled in the AR/AP card in the Transfer by AR/AP Transaction Currency Type.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some planning has been made for calculating the "Delivery Date" when using multiple months for the loading day for the finished goods in Material Requirement Planning operation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Serial information should be entered" warning is not displayed when generating invoices for the remaining quantity in the partial billing operation of the stocks with serial in the purchase receipt.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The "Unvalued Accumulated Depreciation", "Passive Differential," and "Value Increase Fund" info are displayed according to the values in the fixture info card in the valuation and depreciation report.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Balance Credit" amount is displayed correctly in the Trial Balance report with "Group Total" when a journal slip is generated by two different group accounts, one credit and one debit account, of the same main account.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "RUSF" and "BITT" accounts can be left blank because the Interest Rate and Amount are zero on the Discount/Purchase Credit Opening screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Account Type" info can be changed in Chart of Account when the "Level Tracking" parameter is not active.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that no warning is given for the Inventory Transaction Control Report after the Cost Accounting that although the cost has been executed, a "too many records may come in in the beginning month because no cost calculation is executed".


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the document number and official invoice number are generated through e-Archive series.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the CTSP numbers are displayed in the file when the dispatch document is linked to the file and the proforma is created for the customer order with the changed type.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the records of the related year are taken into account when the "Limit Year/Month" is specified as next year for the Fixture G/L Reconciliation Summary in the custom period usage.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that no balance is generated in the journal slip when the debit and credit amount is "0" if there is a balance in foreign currency in the account transactions in the journal slip generated through the Deficit Balance Account Control report.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the counting transaction is deleted and the related journal slip is canceled when the counting processing journal is generated and the "Counting Processing Cancellation" is performed.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The values in the Balance column have been edited when getting the "Invoice Detail" and "Invoice Detail in Same Line" parameters as checked in AR/AP Transaction Records and AR/AP Transaction List.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "No record found" message is not displayed when it is requested to display with NetOpenX after billing a dispatch generated as an e-Dispatch.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Deduction Return VAT Code field in the sales parameters is active in the Integrated-Pro package.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Authorization control has been regulated in the Add/Delete Customer-Seller Stock Record with NetOpenX.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to display the accounts with transaction in the period "but without any transaction in the start month in the report when getting Periodic Trial Balance Report.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the sales dispatches where the Do Not Bill to Be Billed parameter is checked are not displayed on the "Order/Dispatch Info" page when selecting the "Display Documents".


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the document is processed to AR/AP transactions when the "FATURA/TUTARSIZCAHAR" custom parameter is defined and the Project Code application is active.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the value of the current year is displayed in the "Cost ( Cumulative) for delivery and services" in VAT Declaration Table-6.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "You cannot produce more than work order quantity" warning is not given when the quantity is not more than the work order quantity when performing FPER related to the work order partially.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the records are not duplicated when selecting the "Branch" in periodic trial balance report through the holding.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "JOIN ON predicate must start with ON keyword" warning is not displayed when adding a column on the e-Archive Outbox screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "G/L account is not defined" warning is not displayed when selecting the "Transfer Record" and "Assign Long Term Installments to Different Account" parameter on the Installment Credit Opening screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Quick Collection Records screen is not displayed when the Return Type of Purchase Receipt is billed or the Return Type of Purchase Invoice is entered when the Display Collection Screen in Return Invoice is not checked in the purchase parameters.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Alias information is generated correctly when batch selecting and sending the dispatches generated as drafts on the e-Dispatch Response Acceptance/Rejection screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

The issue has been cancelled because the specified error does not occur with files 9.0.48.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Group Account Code" is displayed as the company code in which the operation is performed while using "Reference Hierarchy".


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Due Date" info in the totals is not changed when the new item is added to the Dispatch by issuing the dispatch for the order.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Add User Defined Column" menu in right click is closed because the related screen is not suitable for adding a column.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to display the price in the TRY currency type defined in the price list and enter it in the price field in the Generate Purchase Order from Sales Order operation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to transfer the Export Type correctly when transferring from Excel in the receipt record.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Partner in Companies" parameter is taken into account in the first record operation on the "Project Code" entry screen when entering through Partner30 business.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the valued version of TRY is displayed according to the exchange rate or exchange rate date entered for the automatic TRY conversion operation on the Debt/Credit Aging List General Filters-2 page.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some arrangements have been made for the records to be displayed separately by Company in the Goods Based Transport Expenses report.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the related documents are deleted when deleting the saved transport document.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that no warning is displayed when changing and saving after adding the User Defined Column on the AR/AP Records screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some improvements have been made to search the Oracle database for the "Turkish" characters in the lookups.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that no warning is given in the list of stock transactions in the Oracle database.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the work order related raw material list report is displayed by the input order for the records in which the work order BOM is used.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some improvements have been made to list the balances of the different series when generating partial free production end record documents after the inter-warehouse transfer operation if the "Track Serials" and "Check Balance" parameters are checked in the raw material input and output transactions.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Error in Database Registration Operation" warning is not displayed when changing an authorization with "Draft Editing" on the Saved Report screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Module 1000 not found" warning is not displayed when clicking "Approve Later / Approve Now" or opening it again in the "Open Works" list in the Works Waiting for Approval add-on.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the calculation is displayed as a single line in the periodic company revenue table when there are records for different years in the same database.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Your query definition is incorrect" warning is not displayed if GROUP BY expression is included in the Column Query Definition in the Add User Defined Column operation in Report.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "is not a valid floating point value" warning is not displayed in the Send/Receive Order operation on the marketplace application.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the due date of the transaction is calculated by adding the payment day to the cutoff date if the date of the transaction with the company credit card is earlier than the cutoff date.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Additional Cost-2 Insurance" field is added to XML and the Deduction Code is not assigned for the items when entering insurance in the export file transactions and creating an e-Archive while there is a custom parameter for SATIRBAZITEVKIFAT.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured to bill according to the order in the dispatch list with the custom parameter 'FATURA','TOPLUFATSIRALAMA'.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Ambiguous column name BA" warning is not given when generating the e-Ledger.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that "Access violation..." warning is not given when performing the Purchase Request Bidding operation by selecting multiple AR/AP Codes in set 9.0.47.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the active line number is displayed correctly while moving over the items with the Tab button on the Item Information tab.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been blocked to enter the receipt by using the same receipt serial and number in different branches through the General Receipt Record screen in the branch structure.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that this work order is not displayed in the deleted production documents when saving a new work order.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "incorrect syntax near the keyword GROUP" warning is not displayed when the "Project Code Breakdown" option is checked and the "Close Exchange Rate Differences" operation is performed.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the fund is not calculated in the months without valuation in Quick Depreciation / Constant Revaluation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that no e-mail is sent in the IWT document registration operation when defining A- Bounced Check in User e-Mail Definitions screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

Some improvements have been made to enter and save the Stock Card "Code-5" value when selecting the "Use Only Defined Codes in Report Codes" parameter on the Stock Parameters screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "field SON_KULLANMA_TARIHI not found" warning is not displayed in the Cycle Count Independent Balance Reset operation.


Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the raw materials of other levels than the first level of the finished goods are also displayed in the report if the Do Not Ignore Subcontracting parameter is not checked in the incurred VAT parameters.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the items are transferred to the grid although the Invoice / Dispatch screens are "Transferred" in the Transfer from Excel operation.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that no risk mail is sent in the warehouse output and warehouse input slips when defining the operation type as B-Risk Limit Exceeding in User E-Mail Definitions.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been corrected that the operation is completed and the "Out of Memory" warning is displayed when the e-Invoice AR/AP Update operation is performed within the program or under the service folder. The grid is removed from the screen.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that no distribution slip or reflection slip can be generated in the month when the e-Ledger is sent while selecting "Do not change for the month e-Ledger created".


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the "Access Violation" warning is not displayed for successive records in The Warehouse Input/Output and Warehouse operations in NetOpenX.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the active item is deleted when deleting the selected item with F7 by switching between the items in the sales invoice with "tab" on the 9.0.47 set.


Netsis 3 Entegre,Netsis 3 Entegre Pro,Netsis 3 Standard,Netsis 3 Enterprise,Netsis Wings,Netsis Wings Enterprise,Netsis Wings Entegre,Netsis Wings Entegre PRO,

It has been ensured that the Amount info is displayed in the Debt and Credit columns when getting the G/L as "Slip Based Total" parameter checked.