Sürümde Yer Alan Yenilikler

Key Product Public Description


The "Public" option has been removed from the "Dashboards" screen. All users will be able to access the defined dashboards. When restricted, access to dashboards will be managed by using the "Authorization Code" and "Auxiliary Code" fields added to dashboards.



In addition to invoices, order operations will also be performed through the "Point of Sales" feature. In the orders created from Point of Sales, new customers can be easily added, and order lines can be easily created with shortcuts defined for access to products and services.



Invoice, order and dispatch operations will be performed through the "Point of Sales" feature. Dispatch can be generated with the order transfer from the Point of Sales, or the dispatches without order connection can be easily added.



The following parameters have been added to "System Settings Default and Parameters/Sales-Purchase Management/Parameters/Order-Dispatch".

  • Bill locked orders
  • Bill locked dispatches
    Order and dispatches locked according to the parameter value will be billed or the billing operation will be blocked.



It has been ensured that the IBAN info in the bank account line selected as the default account in the AR/AP card is displayed in the AR/AP browser.

  • When the default account is selected in more than one line, the IBAN information in the first line with the default account will be displayed.
  • If there is no line with default account, the IBAN info in the first line will be displayed.



The "Transactions (Active)" option has been added to the Related Records heading in "Finance Management/Definitions" AR/AP-Bank Accounts-Safe Deposits browsers. The total balance of the listed transactions will be tracked on the screens accessed through this option.


The report will be received based on the status of the order and order transaction through the "Order Transaction Status" and "Order Status" filters added to the "Detailed Purchase/Sales Order Delivery" reports.


The "Accept Return" operation has been added to the right click menu of the export registered sales invoices. By selecting the operation, the return invoice can be easily generated.


The CTSP Code has been added to "Export/Import File Invoices, Export Registered Sales/Purchase Invoices" lines. The default will be reflected in the CTSP Code invoice lines selected on material.



The "Slip Organizational Unit" field has been added to the line of the bank slips. When saving the slip, a separate bank slip will be generated for each different organizational unit. Thus, the transactions of multiple organizational units can be entered in a single slip.



The "Slip Organizational Unit" field has been added to the line of the AR/AP slips. When saving the slip, a separate AR/AP slip will be generated for each different organizational unit. Thus, the transactions of multiple organizational units can be entered in a single slip.


The "Inventory Location Tracking" option has been added to the "Material Management/Operations/Material Info Update" operation parameters. It has been ensured to update the "Track Inventory Location" value on the Material Card Details tab in batch through this option.


It has been ensured that the default is displayed for the sales/purchase employee defined for the AR/AP when selecting the AR/AP in the sales/purchase proposals.


The Document Catalog has been added to "Check and Promissory Note Slips/ Related Records" options. Thus, the files related to the check/p.note transactions can be associated with the record through the Document Catalog feature.



It has been ensured that the "Reason for Cancellation" can be entered when the tenders and files generated through "Tender Management" are changed to "Cancelled" with "Update Status". Thus, it is possible to track why the file is canceled.



The Salesperson/Purchase Employee Code/Description fields have been added to the "Table Characteristics" options of the "Sales/Purchase Contracts" browsers. It is possible to track the Sales/Purchase Employee info in browsers through these options.



It has been ensured that the transactions of leasing payments are generated in addition to the expense accruals of the leasing with the "Operation Type" option added to "General Ledger/Operations/Operating Lease Expense Accruals and Post Payments to G/L". Separate slips can be created for accrual and payment transactions through the operation or a single slip can be edited. The G/L connections of the payment slip can be defined in the "Leasing Payment" and "Provision for Leasing Payment" links added under "Leasing".



It has been ensured to distribute the budget for years through "Tender Management/Announced Tenders/Purchase Tender". Budget distribution can be made by line or by analysis detail with the "Budget Distribution for Years" option added to the right-click menu of the tender.

Sürümde Yer Alan İyileştirmeler

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