Sürümde Yer Alan Yenilikler

Key Product Public Description



The Income Status Report has been added to "Project Management/Construction Reports" and "Construction Portal/Reports/Project Reports". It has been ensured to report the distribution of the progress payment amounts by month according to the date range selected in the report filter.

According to the "Report Year" option in the report filter, the amounts corresponding to the years before and after the selected year can be tracked through the Work Amount columns.



The Use Transaction Org Unit/Use Payment Order Org Unit option has been added to "System Settings Default and Parameters/Finance Management/Parameters/Other" heading. It is possible to determine whether the payment order or the org unit of the transaction in the payment line will be used when generating a slip of the payment order through this option.


The "Debt Amount, Credit Amount, Number of Days in Debt Maturity Period, Number of Days in Credit Maturity Period, Debt Balance Average Maturity, and Credit Balance Average Maturity" columns have been added to the Debt Maturity Distribution Report after the Balance column. The average maturity of the transactions can be accessed through these columns according to the reference date given in the report.



It has been ensured to track the unit price entered in the purchase file through the "Unit Price" column added to the AR/AP Based Proposal Comparison report.



The AR/AP Balance Display: All Org Units/Authorized Org Units option has been added to "System Settings Default and Parameters/Finance Management/Parameters/Other" heading. The amount to be displayed in the Balance column will be determined in "Finance Management/Definitions/AR/AP" browser according to the value of the parameter. When selecting the parameter value as "Authorized Org Units", the user will be able to see the balance of the transactions of the org units to which it is authorized only. When selecting "All Org Units", transactions of all org units in the company will be displayed.


The Exchange Rate Type field has been added to the AR/AP and bank account cards. It has been ensured that the exchange rate info in the AR/AP and bank transactions is displayed according to the selection made in the exchange rate type field.



The "Batch Line Addition" button has been added to the "Associate Activity" window of the budget lines on the "Budget Detail" screen. With this operation, the work program lines can be transferred as activity lines at once. The Material, Labour, Overhead and Profit columns will be selected in the transferred activity lines.



The information on the cover of the progress payments created for the employer and the subcontractor can be reported through the Progress Payment List Report added under "Project Management/Construction Reports" and "Construction Portal/Reports/Project Reports".



The "Examination Admission Commission Members" has been added to the "Related Records" options of the requests generated in Purchase Management/Transactions/Purchase Request menu. When the purchase request is delivered with the purchase file, the "Examination Admission Commission Members" will also be transferred to the purchase file and accessible through the Attached Records options of the file. 



The uncollected collateral balances are displayed in the "Uncollected Collateral Amount" column added to the AR/AP browser according to the "Calculate Uncollected Collateral Balance" value added to the filter options of the AR/AP browser. You can follow the status of the AR/AP including collaterals through the Total Balance field added to the columns.

It is possible to filter by collateral type in the calculation of the uncollected collateral amount through the Uncollected Collaterals to Be Calculated option added to the filter options.


It has been ensured that the "Zip Code" value is automatically displayed depending on the District option selected in the AR/AP card.



The AR/AP collateral info is also displayed in the report by the List Uncollected Collaterals option added to the AR/AP Extract report filters.


The Include Payment Date field in the revolving credit interest calculation has been added when selecting

color: Color value is invalid

"Finance Management/Definitions/Operating Credit/Credit Account Type: Revolving" field. It will be possible to determine whether to include the last day of the credit in the interest calculation through this field.


The "Display Will Be Collected Partially Field Selected in P.Note Entries" option has been added to "System Settings/Default and Parameters/Finance Management/Defaults/Check P.Note Operations". You can select the default for the "Will Be Collected Partially" field in the customer p.note type of records through this option.


It has been ensured that the P.Note can be selected in Group Processing Slips- Customer P.Note/Return to Customer" operation when resetting the balance in the collections of the customer p.note marked as "Will Be Collected Partially". It is possible to close the debt by returning the p.note of which collection is completed.


The Original Unit Price, Original Quantity and Original Procurement/Delivery Date fields have been added to the Purchase/Sales Order lines. You can track the values entered first through these fields even if the "Unit Price, Quantity, Delivery/Procurement data" fields are changed.


The Generate Demand operation can be performed on the screen accessed through the "Operations/Current Value List" option through the estimate in Invalid status. The estimate relation of the demand can be tracked through the Estimate No and Estimate Description fields added to the "Construction Portal/Demand Detail" and "j-Platform/Demand Slip" forms.



It has been ensured that the due date is calculated as the last day in the relevant month through the "Last Day of the Month" option added to the payment collection plan. If the last day of the month is a holiday, the "due date" will be postponed to the first day which is not a holiday. 


The "AR/AP Without Balance" option has been added to the AR/AP Division Distribution filters. It has been ensured that AR/AP of which balance is 0 in the "Total" line in the report is not included in the report when the filter value is selected as "Do Not List".


The "Unit Price(Net)" column has been added to "Material Transactions" screen. You can track the net unit price including discount, expense, promotion, price difference through this field.


The "Producer Code" info in the material card has been added to the line of the order, dispatch, invoice and material slips. 


The "Guarantor, Guarantor 2" fields have been added to the "Customer Check" and "Customer P.Note" types of cards. The guarantors can be specified in these fields.


The Apply Analysis Details to All Lines operation has been added to the Operations options in the demand slips of Construction Portal. Analysis details of the lines can be transferred to other lines in the demand slip with this option.


Collateral Deduction has been added to "Construction Project/Contract Detail/Contract Deduction Types". The "Collateral Deduction" field, which can be specified as "Rate" and "Amount", will also be reflected in the progress payment cover. The "Collateral Deduction" type on the progress payment cover is for information purposes, and will not be taken into account in the amount calculations such as other deduction types.



The "Overhead Rate" column has been added to the "Estimate Detail" screen lines. The Overhead Rate can be entered by the estimate line when selecting "Overhead Calculation Method: Rate" on the "Estimate Detail/Estimate Parameters" screen. 



It has been ensured that the "Warehouse" info is displayed on the demand slip in the progress payment invoices related to demand.



It has been ensured to specify the number of records to be displayed on the "Unit Unicodes" page accessed through Material Management / Definitions/Unit Sets.



The Balance column has been added to the safe deposit extract report to display the transferred status of the safe deposit after the "Payments, Incoming Payments" columns.



It has been ensured that the service lines entered in the G/L slips are displayed in the budget. In addition, filtering can be applied by Service for the transaction type "General Ledger" in the budget calculation and control criteria. Budget actualizations can be tracked by the service info entered in the G/L slips. 


The Department field has been added to all forms where there is no "Department" information such as progress payment records, construction projects, tender records, proposal cards. The department information can be tracked throughout the entire process. In addition, budget operations will be performed depending on the "Department" value on these records.


It has been ensured that the transfer type "Data Transfer/Import" option can be generated in .xls format and the "order, dispatch and invoice" records can be imported by filling in the template content by selecting the "Data Transfer/Import" option in the Order, Dispatch and Invoice browsers in the "Purchase Management" and "Sales Management" modules.



It has been ensured that a change can be made in the employer estimate, the status of which is Invalid. If Employer Estimate is matched to Subcontractor Estimate, the quantity control is performed on the matched pose during the change and it has been blocked to fall below the subcontractor pose quantity.

The operation is not allowed if the subcontractor pose quantity is greater than the employer pose quantity and the employer pose quantity is greater than the employer pose quantity by checking the pose matching operation in the employer estimate and the subcontractor estimate.

Sürümde Yer Alan İyileştirmeler

Key Product Public Description



It has been corrected that the unit price is reset when the order is billed if the "TC exchange rate will be updated in dispatch/order transfer" parameter is selected yes.