n order to distribute information that is entered in Sales Contracts > Material / Service List > Analysis Details window to all lines, you can use either "Apply Analysis Details to All Lines" option in Operations menu or " Apply to All Lines" option in Analysis Details tab. Analysis details - analysis dimension code/description, project code/description, project activity code and distribution rate - which is entered in the selected contract line, is copied to analysis details of all lines. 
"Amount", "Amount (RC)" and "Amount (TC)" values of analysis detail lines, which are copied based on the selected slip's "Amount" value and "Distribution Rate" in analysis details, are calculated automatically. 
Example: When you copy an analysis detail line with 70% distribution rate to a slip line of which Amount is, 4.000, RC is 3 and TC is 3,25, then Analysis Detail Line will be as below: 
Amount = Slip Line Amount * Distribution Rate = 4000 * 70% = 2.800
Amount (RC) = Amount / Exchange Rate = 2.800 / 3 = 933,33 
Amount (RC) = Amount / Exchange Rate = 2.800 / 3 = 861,54 

Analysis detail cannot be entered for material set components. You cannot apply this operation for component lines' analysis details.