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As you can save sales order info for materials, you can also save order info for services; you can report and transfer them to material invoices. In order slips, you can specify that transaction in line is a service order by selecting line type as "Service". Service cards are listed in code field of slip line and the relevant service is selected and transferred to the slip.

Valid delivery time for service orders are durations entered in service cards. Delivery date info located in slip is calculated by considering procurement day number specified in service card. If discount or/and surcharge is applied for service order, this info is saved right under the service line. Line type is selected as "Discount" for discounts, while it is selected as "Surcharge" for surcharges. Discount and surcharge amounts related to the slip are distributed to service lines in accordance with their amount.

Sales/Purchased services info specified in material invoices is saved by selecting line type as "Service" or service orders are transferred to invoice. Order transfer is performed over order slips or order transactions by using Order Transfer (slips) and Order Transfer (transactions) options located in right mouse button menu.

You can also perform partial transfer for service orders. In order to do this transaction, quantity to be billed is specified in quantity field located in service lines which are transferred to the invoice. The remaining quantity can be transferred to another invoice afterwards.

Order Transfer to Service Invoices 

Services can be transferred to service invoices by using Transfer Order Slip or Transfer Order Transaction options.

When transferring over order slips, only service lines included in order are transferred to service invoice in case there are material lines in slip.

When transferring over order transactions, service orders complying with conditions specified in filter lines are transferred to service invoice.

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